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Hikaru found the bottle of lube in my bag that Dean made me keep after last night. He's probably thinking that I've being doing some girl and that's why I was sneaking out more than usual. He's going to spread rumours and Dean's going to be pissed! Shit! I have to lie to him, it's the only way.. It might be embarrassing but it will save my neck.. It has to be done!

The atmosphere in the room almost felt as if we had to decide which one of us has to die in a horror movie. If he asks about the lube I'm going to have to tell him that I've been pleasuring myself with it.. It's the only thing I could come up with. He won't believe I was holding it for someone because I am practically a loner other than him, Mori and Shin who wouldn't ask me to do something like that and I can't let him think I've been with someone.. male or female, either way the rumours will make my life worse. So there's nothing else I could do now.. That's what I have to tell him.. Even though it's really embarrassing it's the only way. He has to promise not to tell anyone. I'll make sure of it.

"Shihiro.." Hikaru began. It felt as if I was at an award ceremony and I was just about to find out whether or not I won the award. My breathing increased slightly as I looked down at my bag and then back up to him. He stood up and walked towards me slowly before turning away from me and lifting up his shirt.

"Do you think my scar looks cool?" He asked and turned to grin at me. He.. Doesn't.. Know..? HE DOESNT KNOW! I'm safe. I'm surprised he didn't find it.. I thought for sure he would have seen it in the bottom of my bag. What a relief. "You mean the scar you got last summer?" I asked him and smiled back. "Yeah, I thought it wasn't going to scar but it ended up being a wicked reminder of what happened" he said and tried to look over his shoulder at it. "Yeah it looks cool.. Think the ladies will like it?" I asked him and leant against the desk. "Yeah.. Hope so.." He began and leant down to whisper in my ear, "they secretly like the bad boys.." He hinted and pulled his shirt back down. "I bet they do" I replied and began to think about what happened last summer.

Mori, Shin, Hikaru and I all went camping out at the swimming hole just outside of town. There's a big rock ledge above the small swimming area that was at least 25 metres higher than the surface of the water. On the 3rd night Hikaru thought it would be funny to go and jump into the water from the top of the ledge but when he did he sunk to the bottom and hit his back on some pointy rocks. It wasn't that big a gash but he needed a few stitches and now he was a scar from the accident.

This guys thinks scars and bruises are the sign of a real man. Me? Haha I have atleast 20 bruises and marks.. but I don't think these kinds of marks are the ones he means when he thinks of mark and bruises of a real man, not in the slightest.

"Is that all you wanted to ask me?" I asked him and turned towards the door, thinking that I was home free and that Hikaru definately didnt know about the lube. "Yeah actually.. one last thing.." He said and picked up his bag, taking a glance down at mine as I picked mine up. "Yeah? What is it?" I asked and turned back to him as he walked behind me towards the door. "It's just.. " He began but thought twice of it. "Just what?" I asked him and turned to walk backwards so that I could face him while we spoke. "Just.. ahh.. nevermind it's nothing" He finished and smiled at me. "If you say so" I replied and turned back to the door, taking hold of the handle as I did.

This is great.. Hikaru doesn't know anything about the lube. If he did i'm sure he would have said something about it. After all the guy has been trying to get me laid for the last year of my life, if he thought I had 'done it' with someone he wouldn't have kept quiet about it. In fact I'm pretty sure he would want the story down to the last detail and I know he wouldn't quit bothering me about it until I told him.

But.. It still bothers me that he didn't because the last time he took my bag accidentally, he pulled out literally everything trying to find his magazine. Mori told me because they take the same AIT class. Hikaru spent the entire lesson going through my bag trying to find his precious magazine and then after pulling everything out and still not finding it he went and sat in the corner of the class and moped the rest of the lesson.. see I told you, the guys a child with the sexual motives of a 17 year old.

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