Wings Of Enthrallment

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

This wonderful drawing is from madrytovaa, thank you again.

Here is the third chapter of this book where there is a further introduction of the Wild Sentinel to the Avengers.

Hope you enjoy!

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Doubt, mistrustfulness, hesitation are the seeds for chaos as they found a slippery way to unbalance the notion of hope. They are the soft dark whispers of the fear resting in the hearts of the most valiant men. Poisonous thoughts can lead to the end of the deadly path of fear and your arrival had caused some trouble in the human minds.

To expose your true identity as the Wild Sentinel, a living legend of the dragon myth definitely darkened the roots of fear which were already clawing in the Avengers' hopefulness.

The Heroes of Earth, the proud jewel of humanity, were the only shield protecting the Earth from Thanos mass murder plan.

However, this alliance wasn't going to be easy as you could already perceive some sparks of defiance in their behaviours, especially in Stark's demeanour.

As in all things, there is its opposite, you could also sense flickers of pure enthrallment from few Avengers like Peter who was looking at you with an adoration air plastered on his face.

« She may be thousand years old but how can we trust her, Stephen? » Tony's deep voice echoed in the Avengers room, voicing out the doubts of the team.

You tilted your head to the side, your hair covering your shoulder and said adamantly :

« I am not your enemy. »

The survivor of a terrorist attack locked eyes with yours, determination tangled with fear stated:

« Prove it. »

Such simple words with so many expectations, with pressure in its meaning. It could destroy any feeble temper.

« Ask me whatever you want, Stark. I'll even let Wanda look for the truth in my mind if you doubt me. »

Wanda raised a suggestive eyebrow at you, clearly surprised to put so much trust in some people you had just met. Leaning against the wall, her dark crimson jacket fitting her perfectly, you locked eyes with her a second, conveying your honesty in one look.

« You and I want to stop Thanos. At all cost. I understand your hesitation but if you're willing to give me a chance to prove to you I won't let you down. So, each one of you is going to ask me one question and I'll answer. Deal? »

Steve, as impartial as he is, nodded his head, probably finding the terms of the deal worthy. As the Captain of the team, even if Tony would never say it aloud, Steve Rogers started the interrogation:

« Why did you stay hidden all these years? »

The righteous tone made you take a deep breath.

« The human world wasn't ready for me to come out. Today, thanks to people like you, » you pointed out the team, « a dragon would be a lesser surprise than an alien who wanted to kill half of the universe »

Wanda cleared her throat, eyeing you carefully.

« And I feared the hunt. When humans don't understand something or find you're the thing they discover is more powerful than them, they kill and destroy. I am the last of my race, I can not die because of a hunt. I'd rather die for the home I live in for thousand years than in a casual hunt. Besides, humans can't kill me. Their weapons couldn't pierce my armour. »

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