The Burden Of Fear

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

I hope you all enjoy this story so far and that it will continue.  In this chapter, we know a bit more about Y/N and Loki love story as well as the building of a unity between old enemies.

I hope you'll enjoy.

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Sorry , this chapter is shorter than the others.

Words: 1546


It had worked.

The sweet honey taste of victory and the bitter taste of defeat, two sides of a war but with opposite endings.

Today, however could be misleaded to both.

Fearless beasts of legends, roaring the fire of destruction on their path, fierce defenders of treasures had always been victorious, yet today the bitter taste of defeat left you powerless. The legendary shadow of the sky, the terror of kingdoms, had been defeated by the Mad Titan, breaking the glass of hope in one snap.

As Tony, Bruce and Stephen tried to stop the bleeding of your injuries without hurting themselves with the sharpness of your scales, but your mind was boiling. The weight of realisation burdened your body, as you looked at your teammates trying to help you.

«Why? Why did I fail ?» you wondered, your eyes stuck on Stephen who was flipping the pages of a book.


« Something is wrong with Y/N, she's losing too much blood, » muttered Doctor Banner, as he noticed the flame of your furnace slowly dying out. You didn't fight to live, you endured without a word escaping your lips. A plan was slowly forming in your mind, where weakness could be used as bait. You closed your eyes, your eylids covering your reptilian orbs while you released a sigh of pain.

Stephen was pacing back and forth, whispers of old spells escaping the sorcerer's lips while he passed his hand through his sliced black hair.

« Dragon fear, dragon weakness, .... Found it, dragon healing ! » he exclaimed while rushing to your side when you groaned loudly at Banner's treatments. You turned your head at him who didn't flinch at your stare, but he was so focused in his work to stop the bleeding, however you could glimpse flickers of green shading his skin.

You snapped your eyes open at Stephen' statement, locking eyes with him as his eyebrow frowned in concentration.

« Everybody step back. » announced the mighty Sorcerer.

« Stephen, you can't just stop in the middle of a surgery, you all of us should know that. » Tony said in an ironic tone.

However, he complied with Strange's request when a giant blazing pentagram appeared in front of you, encompassing your dragon body while Stephen muttered a series of spells and gestured the spell to heal you. Loki stood in the back eyeing carefully the scene., the young Peter looking francitally from Tony, to Bruce, to you and then to Stephen, anxious plastered on his adorable face.

« Always know your opponent. » had once said Loki to her, when love was blooming between the two of us, sat in a wild meadow.

With a smirk, the god of Mischief, noticed your body twitched while the Sorcerer's magic overwhelmed you, a burning feeling washing over your wounds.

The price of healing was pain while the price of knowing your opponent was defeat. You could have told the Avengers about this, about how you wanted to know what Thanos was capable of even if the cost was to let yourself beat down but it was a risk you weren't willing to take. If th purple alien knew about this, all this would have been for nothing. So yes, you had let yourself get hurt to get close to Thanos, but now you knew.

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