Rude niceness??

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"Welcome back everyone! I'm currently writing this chapter from a plane! Cool, right?" Imeda exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Shadow grumbled walking in.

"Here we go again," Sanja muttered.

Imeda ignored Shadow and continued on, "We have lots of dares. We'll start with some from Sanja, (Elephants141634 ). The dare is: for Lloyd to be here the whole episode, OH GOD. OF COURSE ITS YOU WHO DOES THIS DARE!"

Lloyd magically appeared in a puff of smoke.

"I hate this," He said.

"And our next Dare is for everyone to do paintball! Girls vs boys!" Sanja announced.

"Uhh, Sanja, that's my job," Imeda told her.

"But it's my Dare," Sanja countered.

"But it's still my job!" Imeda instructed. Imeda clapped her hands and they appeared in a paint ball arena.

"Boys on the other side, girls over here," Imeda explained.

"Do I have to play?" Lloyd groaned.

"Yes," Imeda answered.

The boys walked away and the girls began to grab their materials. They slipped on their jumpsuits and grabbed their guns.

"Are you ready!" A voice boomed over a speaker.

"Yes!" Everyone chorused back.


The girls ran out.

"Okay, Amy and Cream take the left, Rouge and Blaze take the skies, Maria and Crystal straight ahead, Ginessa, Sanja, and I will go right," Imeda instructed.

"Why are you the boss?" Rouge asked, flying over to her.

"Because I've played paintball before," Imeda answered.

"Incoming!" Blaze yelled.

An array of paintballs began to hit. Blaze and Rouge flew to the sky and began pelting them with bullets there. People got hit, some people cheated, and some people got injured.

"My leg!" Maria screamed.

She was sitting on the ground clutching her bleeding leg.

"I got this, cover me!" Amy said, crouching down.

She pulled some medical things she had packed just in case and began working on the wound. Amy worked on the leg and Rouge kept watch from the sky.

"Blaze, you go through the skies and catch them off guard. While they're shooting at the sky, we'll enter through opposite sides and attack!" Crystal told everyone.

They nodded and ran off.


"So that's their plan!" CB mused from his hiding spot.

He ran back to the boys, trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Guys! They're gonna send the flying cat to attack and then attack when we're distracted!" CB explained.

"Great job eavesdropping!" Sonic high fived him.

"So this is our plan, have some people hide in the back. They'll attack while they think we're distracted but some of us will be waiting behind to attack us. Got it?" Lloyd told everyone.

"Good strategy, how'd you come up with it?" Tails asked.

"I've played paintball with Imeda before. And knowing her, she's probably taking control of the team and forcing them to wear pink jumpsuits," Lloyd laughed.

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