six - touchdown

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"And Connor Miller with the ball again! No secret why this kid is going to Stanford."

The commentator was blared out in the speakers all over the stadium as the crowd cheered. Greenwood was ahead by 7 points and there were 2 minutes left. I sat in the crowd watching the game and cheering our school on. Kelani was going to come with me but she was on the dance committee and there was some last-minute emergency with the giant ice sculpture of the school mascot. It would have been pretty embarrassing if we lost, considering how big the planning committee went for the dance.

So, I was sitting in the bleachers at the very top alone.

"Wow, your boyfriend doesn't totally suck," a familiar voice spoke from beside me. I turned around to see Alex wearing his always present hoodie, sitting down beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I got bored at your house. Turns out, it's not that interesting without you there."

"I've been told I'm a really interesting person," I said as he sat next to me.

"I hadn't noticed." He looked over my shoulder and grinned.

I turned and saw Madison walking over to us. "Hey, Alex. Nicole, it's so nice to see you. Connor's playing really good," she greeted cheerfully.

I smiled up at her. She was absolutely gorgeous, with her short hair, curvy body, and flawless dark skin."Thanks, Madison. And yeah, he is."

Madison sat down next to Alex, half on his lap. I could hear her speaking lowly from here. "So, I was thinking after the dance, we should go to my place." He smirked into her hair as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

I rolled my eyes and caught Alex staring at me over her with an amused expression.

"I have to go. I'm working the snack stand," Madison said, giving him a sloppy kiss, right on the mouth before getting up. With tongue and everything. "See you tomorrow, babe." She smiled at me as she left and I gave her a half-hearted wave.

"You know," Alex started when Madison walked away, "I really think you're jealous of her."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Because she has me and you have that fucktard." He pointed to the field where Connor and the team were all celebrating. I hadn't even noticed that the game was over, but everyone around us was running onto the field.

"I don't want you," I said sharply.

Alex's smirk didn't fade. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You did great!" I gushed to Connor when I finally got to him after the game. Almost everyone had gone home or to the afterparty at Ivy Huffman's house, except a few of the players. Connor was hard to get to because of the amount of scouts, coaches, parents, and other students congratulating him on the game.
I stayed and waited for him while Alex got a ride from one of his friends back to my house. Well, close to my house since no one knew he was staying there.

"We need to talk," Connor hissed when I got up to him. I was taken aback by his tight voice.

"Um, okay," I stuttered, following him into the empty locker room.

Connor waited a moment before speaking. He looked like he was restraining himself from yelling, but his voice came out quiet. Too quiet. "Kenzie said she saw you with Alex Sanchez earlier at the mall."

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