eleven - leaving you

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"And if you add peroxide..."

I stared ahead, not paying attention to anything in Johnson's science class. Alex didn't come back last night and he wasn't at school. I called him 3 times and he didn't pick up so I was obviously worried sick. Something happened between last night when Kelani came over and when Alex tried sneaking out.

Right when I was about to text him for the 7th time, the door opened and he walked in. His hair was messy and all over the place. He was still wearing the same clothes as last night, except they were so wrinkled, it looked like he slept in them. His eyes were bloodshot red and he looked dazed.

Kelani turned around and gave me a look that said What the hell? Aiden looked frantically between me, Kelani, and Alex. 

"Again, Alejandro?" Johnson put a hand on his forehead, obviously not noticing his state. "Don't even say anything, go to your seat and be quiet." He walked to the back and flopped down next to me.

"Where the hell were you?" I whisper-shouted.

He gave me a lazy smile as he leaned back in his seat. His eyes wouldn't even open properly. "Relax, Nikki. I was just out having some fun."

My eyes widened with panic. "Are you high?"

He quietly laughed. "Just a little bit." He held out his fingers and pinched them together, to motion that he was only a little high.

I looked around the class and shook my head, my heart beating fast. "We need to get you home."

"I'm fine, Nik," he slurred as his head dropped on the desk with a thump. I gasped.

The 5th period bell rang, signaling the end of class and everyone rushed to get out and go to lunch. "Come on," I said, picking Alex up by the arm.

"What happened?" Kelani asked when she and Aiden came over to us. He was looking down at Alex with a horrified expression, and I knew this wasn't a normal thing.

"I don't know," I said. "Help me get him to my car. I need to take him home. He's on something."

"Oh my god," she mumbled.

"What's with all the gods?" Alex mumbled.

"Is he okay?" Johnson asked, stopping us in front of the classroom.

"Yes, he is," Kelani lied. "He's not feeling good. Fever or something."

Mr. Johnson looked slightly alarmed. "He really doesn't look good. Should I call the nurse?"

"No," I said frantically. If the nurse came, she would call an ambulance because anyone could see something was seriously wrong, and then they would drug test him and it would lead to a whole lot of problems we didn't need on top of our current ones. "I'm taking him home now, but thank you."

Me and Aiden were holding him up by his arms and we dragged him to my car. We went around the back gate so no one would see us leaving school with a passed out guy.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Kelani asked at my car.

"No, I got it," I said as we put him in the back seat.

She took a step back, but Aiden seemed frozen and he looked as pale as a ghost. "I took him out last night," he whispered.

A few hours later, I was sitting on the side of my bed reading a Seventeen magazine and Alex was passed out on my bed. Somehow, he still managed to look good. His hair looked like that sexy bedhead type hair. He had a tiny stubble on his perfectly carved out jaw. Why was he so good looking? Why was I thinking of that during a time like this?

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