eight - family breakfast

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My eyes fluttered open slowly as I felt someone move next to me. I turned and saw Alex sleeping with his arms wrapped loosely around me, his body pressed against mine and his face buried in my hair. The events from last night came crashing back into my mind. The dance, Connor cheating, the kiss with Alex.

Well, fuck. Why did I think kissing my childhood best friend would result in anything good?

I looked over at Alex and studied him. He looked so peaceful. His hair was messy and his jawline looked so defined. He was only wearing boxers so I could see a lot. His perfect abs, covered with marks. The biggest one went across from his lower stomach up to his rib cage. It looked like it came from a belt or a cane and was long healed, leaving just the scar. I traced it with one finger all the way across.

"I feel violated."

I flinched, startled from the sudden voice. I looked up to see Alex staring at me, with an amused look on his face. His voice sounded raspy and sexy.

I sat up, the pain in my head from the hairstyle I had done last night pulsing. "Good morning."

"Morning," he said, sitting up with me. "How are you?"

I thought it over carefully. He could think I was cheating on him, but I wasn't. I only lied so Alex wouldn't have to explain his situation to anyone, because he really didn't deserve to be dragged into my mess after everything. And Connor had hurt me. Physically and emotionally. How could he say he ever loved me after doing that?

"I'm okay. I'm hurt, but I'm not spending any more tears on his pathetic ass," I declared. "Anyways, we need to talk, about that kiss."


"You were right. I shouldn't have done that."

He looked weirdly surprised. "What?"

"If we do keep going with this, we're going to end up as a couple and then we're going to break up and everything will be ruined again. I like us as friends, and I don't want anything to ruin it," I explained, even though my cheeks were heated. I was stupid, so so stupid for kissing him, no matter how much I enjoyed it in the moment.

He sat still for a minute, thinking. "Okay," he agreed with a nod, but something about his voice seemed off.

I smiled at him, uncomfortable. "Now we can go back to normal."


I was happy until realization set in. "Wait what day is it?"

Alex reached out and grabbed his phone. "Sunday, November 19th. Hey, we're on Thanksgiving break now."

"Shit," I hissed, getting up quickly.

He leaned back onto his elbows. "You don't like Thanksgiving? I personally love it. Not for the family aspect, of course. But the food is so good. I would sell my soul for gravy and-"

"No, it's not that. My parents are coming home today," I explained getting up. I realized I was wearing one of Alex's shirts as a dress with just my deep red underwear. I blushed and tried to pull it down.

"Don't bother," Alex laughed. "You changed in front of me last night. I already saw your underwear."

My ears felt hot, but there was no time to be embarrassed. "Come on, get up. They're going to be home soon. You need to hang out in my closet for a bit."

"Gosh, you're making me feel like Harry Potter, banishing me to the closet all the time," he said.

I quickly cleaned up my room and fixed my hair. I reached over and grabbed a pair of shorts off the floor, because that was better than being in my underwear.

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