Chapter Six: The Happening

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Chapter: Six

The Happening

When I arrive back everyone is looking at me. Wondering what tried to kill me or how I was supposed to have tamed this wild fire. I looked over at the still blazing flames, they were cackling in the wind. I simply whispered, "Silence, be gone." Just as quickly as the flames appeared, they left. I turned back around to look at the six faces of awe and laughed.

"What?" I asked.

Sutton jumped in before anyone else, "We expected you to come back like burnt or something. You know? It was suppose to attempt to kill you, but both of your power initiations were so easy for you. You only came back with one mark." I raised my hand to my eyebrow now and started to feel a sting. I guess a branch or something must have hit me. Seth was snickering and I glared at him. He looked at me with a, no offense, look and I asked what was so funny. His reply;

"Well I'm just wondering how you are covering all this up at school tomorrow." I was shocked! School? In a time like this? Really? Knox replied my questions,

"We can't blow our cover Fawn. People just believe we are a little weird. We still have to act normal. If we don't show up for a few days then people are going to start becoming suspicious." I nodded, taking this in for a moment.

"Um, I told my mom I was heading out for a while? Can I pack it in with one of you tonight and find a place from there?" I asked nervously. I had only known these people for a day or so, why would they let me stay with them? Wesley was my saviour here. He agreed to let me stay at his place for while. He had a place of his own, so we did not have to worry about making up stories to his parents or anything along those lines.

"So, remember you have to be up for school in the morning. There on regular time. And don't get into trouble please." Seb looked at me seriously.

"You need to stay calm, cool and collected at school. Stick with us and we can get you through the day safely. Try to tame your powers through-out the day. We all know what happens when you don't." He glared over at Hayden.

"Seb! That was only the first day with them." I looked at the both of them with a quizzical look. What happened? Knox again replied my thoughts, creepy, "She was walking by a fountain and it burst." He laughed, as the others snickered.

"So?" I replied, but Knox wasn't finished,

"Oh it wasn't just one fountain. Any fountain she passed would go off. By lunch everyone thought she was jinxed. It only got worse-" but Hayden cut him off.

"C'mon Knox! She doesn't need to know everything today." She glared at him and started running off, faster then any human could imagine or wish to run.

"Great Knox! Piss off Hayden." Seb cried. "You know how long it took last time! Now I have to go cool her down. We might as well pack it in for the night. See you tomorrow everyone!" He gave one last glare at Knox and ran after Hayden.

It was now easy to tell that there were a few glitches that came with being in this little group. And Seb running after Hayden like that made me wondering if they were an item or not. I had gotten used to Knox replying to my thoughts by now,

"Yup or they are off and on. Don't worry about them; Hayden is just a little jealous of the new girl in the group. Plus, you two are suppose to be enemies. Fire and water if you don't know, don't mix. She'll get used to you sooner or later." I laughed.

"By the way, mind if you give me a little privacy with my thoughts sometimes?" I pondered aloud. Knox snickered,

"Sorry," He replied, "Seth told me to keep an eye on you for the first little bit." He turned and looked at Seth with an 'I'm Sorry' gaze. I glared over at Seth, but then decided one fight in the group at a time. We laughed and started walking back to town.

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