Chapter Thirteen: Daily Dose

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Chapter Thirteen:

Daily Dose

I walked back into the cabin to see that everyone was up. Haden had an extra icy cold glare towards me today, Seb was smiling like an idiot, Wesley and Seth were watching tv and Sutton came and said hey. We talked for a little and he said he wanted to show me something. He gestured for me to follow him into his room and I followed obediently. I only had a few seconds to actually focus on his room before he started talking away. It had plenty of walls without any doors and he smiled, we were in a small space right when u walked into the door. He grabbed my hand and walked through to the next part of the room. I didn't even feel going through the wall! It was like passing through air! I grinned. "What did you want to show me?" I asked.

He gazed at me and his eyes changed to their normal selves, looking like targets, you could tell he was excited. "Well, we had a vote and I'm the one that gets to show you what you get." He said, not able to hold his smile back. "We all get a weapon, it is just for us. No one else has a weapon like ours. If anyone else touches our weapons, well, let's just say they usually don't survive to get to say they did. So here is yours! He said and opened up a small chest. I looked down expecting some awesome sword or something along those lines, but when I peered down into the chest all I saw was a small metal poll. I picked it up, "What good will thi-" I stopped staring at the thing. From each end of the poll, came a thin sharp looking sword.

"Sick!" Sutton cried, "You got a double bladed sword! Man that's so cool." He cleared his throat, "I mean, uh, yeah nice looking weapon you got there. So, uh, you pretty much teach yourself how to use it. We usually train later in the evening if you, uh, wanna come train with us."

I grinned, "Totally!" All the seriousness that had been portrayed on his face just moments ago was washed off by pure glee. "Can't wait he said and took my hand and we went through the several walls back out to the door." I held it out to show the others what I got, while they marvelled over it I thanked Sutton again.

"So are we fighting with our weapons then today?" He asked in his husky voice. He laughed, yeah I hoped that was a joke, I was terrified to fight him. Let alone figure out what kind of scary weapon he had and how bad it could mangle someone in an instant.

"No," I managed to say, "Let's just stick to using our skills." I said, nervously laughing. Everyone joined in, and for a moment it felt like we were all just a group of friends hanging out for a weekend at the cottage, then in a blink of an eye it was all back to business. "When are we going to do this?" I asked, acting tough, I puffed up and showed some muscle. Everyone chuckled, except for Haden who just stared, obviously mad.

"A little later," He said, trailing off. "I need to eat first." We all started laughing again. He went over to the kitchen and I saw him taking out every single piece of bread in a new loaf of bread. I turned subtly to Sutton, "What's he doing?" I whispered. Maybe he was making all of us a sandwich or something before the day started. "He's making himself lunch. He eats all that, you should see him when he's really hungry, he'll eat two loaves." Sutton whispered back laughing. "But can't his room just do that for him?" I asked, Sutton laughed again, "No, it gave up on him and said if he wanted it to make that many sandwiches at once he can make them himself. The house added a kitchen that is only stacked with bread and peanut butter." We both giggled, but deep down inside I was terrified. Sure, Wesley was a deep passionate guy, but this guy could take down the football team without even trying.

When Wesley was finished downing a whole loaf and a half of sandwiches and up to two large bottles of pop, he burped then nodded my way. "I think I'm all fuelled up now." He said patting his stomach. "You ready for this, Pyro?" He asked, gesturing to himself. "The question is, are you ready for this?" I said and winked. Everyone oh'd as to say, oh you just got owned. We started to walk outside and my mind was running. I was trying to think back to the day when my powers had to initiate me, what had Wesley's power been? All I remember was him picking up a huge bolder and throwing it. Oh my gosh! What if he does that to me? I will easily be dead! I just wanted to sit down and strategize, but there was no time for that! I had to fight this giant guy here and now. We stood a good length from each other and sized each other up. Though there was no need for that, I already knew he was huge. After a few moments Haden jumped in, "Hurry up already!"

And with that I felt the first impact of Wesley's power. He hadn't even come near me and I still got hit with something. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the next impact. Finally, I opened up my eyes and noticed I was above most of the trees, I looked down to see the clan, and they all looked like small ants. Just great, I thought to myself, he can move the earth, joy. I remembered how Knox had jumped out of my window at my house and landed without getting a scratch. I thought, what the hell? Why not try this now. If this didn't kill me, well I would probably be dead soon anyways. And with that I shut my eyes and walked of the edge.

I felt my stomach drop, like I was going down the biggest rollercoaster hill I had ever been on in my life. I looked down, I wasn't even halfway yet! Freaking out in the air, I tried to calm myself down. I would be fine, if not they just had to set me on fire. I laughed to myself at the irony, usually people would die from being set on fire, but no, no I healed. People say you laugh in the face of death, and that was exactly what I was doing.

I hit the ground with such impact from the momentum that I thought I was going to go right through it. Surprisingly, I just did a quick oof, and was back up on my feet. My turn, I thought in my head. Hmm, what can I do? My mind all of a sudden started doing things without running it by me first. The flames licked along the ground, like there was a gasoline line headed straight for Wesley. As they got closer they grew, from a few inches to a few feet in seconds. I couldn't believe my eyes. As it hit Wesley there was a giant heat wave that came back. And with that Wesley was dancing around, covered in fire. Thankfully he was smart and jumped into the river subduing the fire before it could cause major damage, but I knew he would have a few burn marks for a while. He looked at me, as if to say, I thought I had seen everything you have, and with that came his next instinct, to come back with just as much force.

I felt a rumble beneath my feet and noticed that he was creating quite an extreme earthquake where I was standing. I looked over at the other and they seemed unaffected by this. It started getting worse and I looked back at Wesley, except, he wasn't there. A few seconds later, I felt a blow to my face and fell. He reappeared, looking at my shocked face he said, "Disintegration," and winked, "Comes in handy." He finished letting out a good chuckle. I wasn't finished though and with that, and the anger that I was now going to have a black eye, I thought of the only thing I could at the moment, the electricity running through my veins. With that a huge electrical storm began to brew, blue lightning bolts came zipping down trying to hit Wesley. I guess my concentration and center point on him wasn't right, because I kept being off by a little bit, probably from this stupid earthquake that was just getting worse. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes, so I could only see him, and with that one blue lightning bolt came down and struck him. He fell instantly and the earthquake stopped immediately. I felt that this battle was over. Sitting down, I let out a sigh. So, I have what? Four more of these to do? I flopped down on the ground. I would have to do this daily, get my daily dose.

Wesley got up and dusted off, extending his arm, "You aren't bad for a newbie." He said, helping me up. "Good job." I looked at him, shocked that he was mobile. Wasn't he just struck with lightning? "H-How?" I asked still shocked.

He chuckled, "Easy, I'm earth. Touching that heals me. I usually don't lose. It just drains me when I get struck by lightning; you know that isn't incorporated into my daily fights." He said. We turned towards where the others were standing. All five of them, had their jaws dropped open. Seth finally snapped out of it, and came over to me, "Well, you have me tomorrow and believe me I'm not that easy going." He said, play punching me, ow! That actually hurt. I flopped back down on the grass, I wasn't sure if I was ready for this again tomorrow.

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