Chapter Eleven: Learning

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Chapter Eleven:


"I was the new girl once too, it doesn't last forever." Haden was saying as she regained her strength in the river. She continued, "It's like you're a new shiny toy and then one day, something new comes along and makes you old news." She looked at me, and for the first time it looked as though her feelings were not just anger towards me, but also hurt. I had hurt her by joining the clan. I looked down at the ground and decided this chat about her issues may be longer then I thought, and sat on the grass. "I'm sorry. I mean, I had no idea. Knox and Sutton just kinda, showed up. You know?" She was nodding her head.

"Yeah," She said. "That's what happened to me as well. They just appeared at my house one day. I was terrified and all they did when they say me at the doorway to my bedroom with a baseball bat ready to swing, was laugh. Then they brought me here like they had you, but no one thought to befriend me first. It was just five weird guys taking me to an unknown place. My mom had cops looking for me and everything. I was just an average girl, not a trouble maker or anything, she didn't know what happened."

I digested this information for a moment. So, she had no one to turn too when this started to get weird and she had no choice but to go off with a group of guys she didn't know? Man that sucked. I looked up at her, "You were an average girl? But what about the water fountains?" I asked, remembering the guys chuckling about every water fountain Haden passed would burst.

"Well," She sighed, obviously not happy to share this with me, "That was the night they decided to come get me, everything just started getting worse. They didn't want me to kill anyone. You see we are stronger then humans, we can heal much faster. What I did to you out on the field was use the micro water in them? Well, I have micro-control meaning I can control the water inside of you. As soon as the guys new I was one of them they brought me here so no ones suspicions raised and I wouldn't hurt anyone." She said lowering her head.

"You don't get to see your parents much after this. Believe me." She said, tears sliding down her face again. This was the first time I had seen Haden so sensitive so, delicate. I couldn't have imagined of her crying before now. She took a deep breath and sighed, "That is going to be the least of our concerns." She said, looking nervous. "We have to get you trained and ready to go before the war breaks loose into this dimension as well, and it may happen faster now because dream readers can track you down." We sat in silence for a moment as we both imagined our near future of the war that was to come. I had to admit I was terrified, they were hoping I would be a great weapon, but I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"You know my power is water, but each day one of the guys will challenge you. You have no idea what you are up against, but they know what you can do now. For them it will be an easy challenge. I can work with you on taming your skills, but I cannot unmask what the others have in store for you." She said, in her regular icy Haden voice. She got up, clothes dripping wet and walked towards the cabin leaving me to sit and run that small conversation over in my head once more. I didn't know what was in store for me, and I wasn't too eager to find out either.

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