Chapter One: New Girl

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Chapter: One

The New Girl

Waking up was the hard part. Always is. When you have wonderful dreams at night you never want to wake up. Today, I especially did not want to wake up. Today, I was going to another new school, sixth school this year. They all reassured me this would be the last time, but kids are always the same. Liars. They all lie, I didn't start that fire. Sure, I love fire, they may call me Pyro, but honestly I did not start the fire. It killed Suzzie, she was one of the only nice one to me.

I banged my fist against my desk. This isn't how life is supposed to be; moving from school to school. I'm supposed to be enjoying myself in high school. I got up and my light flickered. Damn lights, they never work when I'm around, bad luck I guess. I shrug into a tank top and a sweater and smell a few pairs of jeans before I find ones that seem clean. Looking at the clock made me feel rushed. Why should I hurry if sooner or later I'm going to be kicked out of this school like all the others? It was 8:10am, meaning I was about to miss my bus. I grabbed my bag and my trusty lighter, and ran downstairs. I quickly put my lighter in my pocket so mom couldn't see I was bringing it to school. It comforted me, fire always did. I got outside right in time to catch my bus. I hate this part. Getting on and trying to find someone who is willing to move over for the new girl to sit with them.

I looked around and saw a cute boy. He smiled. It was something I haven't seen from a lot of people in a while. It was, comforting. I forgot what it felt like to have someone look at me and smile. I walked down the aisle and asked if I could sit with him. He nodded and I put my bag down.

"Hi," I said shyly, "My name is Fawn." I looked at him to see his reaction. He had a huge smile, from ear to ear.

"Is it really?" He grinned, Great just what I need first person to talk to me and already they think I'm a freak. I nodded. "That's awesome! That's so cool! And, like unique!" I was shocked! Maybe things will change.

"I'm Seth," He said. Wow! He has a unique name just like me, maybe this school is different. Maybe, I will finally fit it.

"So, you're new?" I nodded again. "Why?" A simple question. One I didn't want to answer and screw up our possible friendship.

"Well, um, well, they think I set the library on fire. I really didn't-" His laughing cut me off. I knew it, I just screwed everything up! He thinks I'm crazy. He finished laughing and said, "That's bad-ass man!" and proceeded to give me props. Either he was crazy or things were going to change here. The bus stopped at a huge school. Here we go. My adventure begins.

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