Ch.9 Together Forever

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“Sweets, I don't really want to tell people about us yet. Like obviously Toni and of course Fangs, but not Ju–”

The two saw Riverdale High in the distance.

“Princess, it's okay! We don't have to tell everyone until you're ready.”

Fuego had stayed at Sweet Peas the whole weekend, informing her cousin and uncle that she was at Toni's.

“Thank you Sweets–” She was interrupted with a kiss to her lips.

“But, don't think I won't be giving you those anytime anyone's not looking, Princess.”


“What happened?” Toni confronted her best friend when they got to the empty bathroom.

“What do you mean?”

“You have this kind of glow and you haven't stopped smiling all day...”

“I'm just happy!”

“But happy about what?”

Fuego couldn't keep it longer from her lifelong friend.

“Sweet Pea asked me to be his girlfriend!” She said quickly but not fast enough that Toni couldn't hear her.

“No way?! I'm so happy for you Jay!  When did it happen?” She questioned.

“Well, he kissed me on friday–”

“He kissed you?!?” Fuego nodded and continued.

“And I stayed over that night and on Saturday at Pops, he asked me to be his girlfriend!”

“Once again, I'm so happy for you but right now we should probably get back to class.”


“Fogarty!” The tall serpent tapped his friends shoulder who was sitting in front of him. Fangs turned around with a raised eye brow.

“Yeah, Pea?”

“I, uh, I asked Fuego to be my girlfriend on Saturday!”

“Congtats Man! You're lucky to have a girl like her!”

“I know, she's beautiful–” he was cut off by the teacher walking in five minutes late.

“Pack up your books, we're going to watch a film today. No talking or else you will be sent to the principals office!”

Sweet Pea was starting to wonder where Fuego was and Fangs the same with Toni.

Just as the film was starting, the two girls walked through the door and Mr. Stephens paused it.

“Why are you late? Miss Topaz, Miss Jones?”

“Uh–” Toni was trying to make up an excuse.

“Well, I'm sorry, but my friend over here can't stop the flow of blood that comes out of her vagina every month and as her best friend, I must give aid in comforting her! So please don't question our ability of lateness again Sir!”

Fuego walked down the row of desks to Sweet Peas double and sat beside him, watching the teachers bright red face and Toni mumbling 'sorry' to him before sitting down beside Fangs. He unpaused the film and sunk back into his chair.

“That was pretty feisty, Princess.” He mumbled into her ear, causing her to internally shiver.

“I didn't know what to say but Toni isn't actually on her period though.” She whispered looking up at him.

“Oh, I know. She makes sure we know every month.” She giggled quietly.

“I need to tell you something... ” They both said in sync. The two nodded at the same time to let the other one continue.

“I told Toni...”

“I told Fangs...”

The two once again whispered at the same time.


“And when were you planning on telling me that you and Sweet Pea are now apparently together?” Jughead asked rather questionably while storming into his younger cousins trailer.

“Oh, god. Toni told–”

“It doesn't matter who told me Fuego! Why wouldn't you tell me?”

“I just thought you would get mad Juggie...” She mumbled while pitting her head down.

“Fuego. I'm your best friend. You're my best friend. You're my sister. Us against the world forever, right? I'm happy for you!”

Fuego couldn't help her shocked face. She expected her older over protective cousin to be disgusted with the idea of her dating, no matter who it was with.

“Um, thanks Juggie. I really do like him...”

“Okay, well I gotta go to meet Betty so we can finish writing the article.” He smiled at her and left while closing the door after him.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

“Hey, Princess. What's up?”

“Jughead knows and he's fine with it!”

Thats great baby!”

“I just wanted to let you know, sorry for disturbing you...”

“Princess, I wanted you to call so I could hear your voice. Don't ever apologise! If you ring me at three am, I'll answer without a complaint. AlsoFangs wouldn't stop being annoying so I said I had to answer your call and leave...”

She laughed at his cuteness.

“Okay. I'll see you later?”

“Of course Baby. Want to stay over?”


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Till next time, Fög x

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