2. Normal?

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I walk to school again, wanting to have a good education, also not wanting to waste my tuition fee.

Everyone was around the lockers as always, having long conversations with their friends, smiling, laughing and giggling like normal.

I walk to my locker in black clothes with my hair flat against half of my face, and my combat boots clicking against the tiles of the floor.

Everything was pretty much normal to me. People avoiding me. People avoiding sitting next to me. People pushing me around as if I was some invisible fucker.

To be honest, before anything bad had happened, I didn't want college to be like this. I imagined it to be fun and a great way to meet new people. I remember everything from when I was young and there is no way that it would just be erased from my memory.

I sat down at the very back of the classroom specifically in the corner not wanting too much people sitting next to me. They don't want to sit next to me anyways and who ever sits next to me is considered 'unlucky.'

Not giving a fuck, I continue with the day normally. Sitting in the corner of the classroom, eating alone, walking alone and being treated like I didn't exist.

The only time they ever speak to me is when they want something. When they want to use me, and toy with me, but of course, being the dark hearted person I am, none of their tricks work. I just play with them by making them think that they got me. Soon enough they'll just realize that I gave them a stupid presentation and I removed myself from the group.

My feet carried me to my next class, sitting at the corner, again, but since I was half an hour early, I plugged in my headset to get my mind off everything.
Jimin was sitting down in the dance room playing a game with his friends. The current classroom I was in. They got pretty quiet, after seeing me enter the room.

They were playing truth or dare and I somehow got involved in it just by entering the room. I didn't care though, I know that it's just some silly dare like trying to make ME laugh or something.

Hearing them laugh at Jimin through my earpieces annoyed me to the point that my volume was turned extremely high just so that I don't hear them.

"Hey! (Y/n) want to hang out with us?" He asked after pulling my earpieces out, Yep... it was a pretty normal day. Jimin was standing right in front of me, his hands against on his knees while kneeling in front of me and his smile utterly genuine.

My normal day was pretty much ruined after Jimin talked to me. I sighed and looked at him with my dark eyes, although, it didn't seem to affect him.

"No." My strong denial made him frown but he didn't leave. I rolled my eyes while he only looked at the ground. "Now leave. Go back to your friends."

"Oh come on (y/n)! You're always alone! Hang out with us..."

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