4| Misunderstanding

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- Chapter 4 -


"You're the Queen of the Court"

Satsuki's body froze when Tsukishim'as words reached her ears. The girl opened her mouth to protest to his sayings but nothing came out of it. It was just like time and space had paused around them, only the chirping of the birds and the soft breeze making sounds around them. Tsukishima's dark orbs were staring at her as well- he couldn't believe what he had just said, or should I say, discovered.

Finally, Satsuki snapped out of this dangerous daze but her eyes stayed as wide as huge plates. "Tsu-Tsukishima-kun, this is not what you think! I'm not that Queen of the Court-- how did you call her? I mean, I may look like her but I'm not her!! A-And.. well... you got it wrong!"

The stuttering and stumbling in her words indeed made Tsukishima suspicious and not convinced by her. But again, how many possibilities are there to prove that Satsuki is her? the megane thought and sighed, his eyes drifting back to her. "Sorry, I think I indeed got that wrong" And with that, the blond haired male made his way back in the cafeteria, leaving the relieved girl alone in the balcony.

Satsuki left a small sigh of relief, her purple orbs glimmering at the fading sunlight. "Thank god he doesn't know"


Kageyama started digging in his food, along with Yamaguchi and Satsuki. They had left that cafeteria and had decided to grab something to eat; ending up in a pizza restaurant which was a bit overcrowded. Only Tsukishima didn't bother to eat since he was lost in his thoughts...

Is she lying to me... I wonder; it was obvious that she was lying previously but I don't know why she did that. Satsuki is a worldwide famous volleyball player and she wants to hide that? 

"TSUKKI!!" Yamaguchi's voice rang in Tsukishima's ears, almost making them bleed. The megane covered his ears annoyed, his three friends looking worriedly at him. "Is something wrong, Tsukki?"

Tsukishima shook his head negatively and put on his headphones again, receiving some confused looks from the three volleyball players. Yamaguchi let out a small yet sad sigh and continued eating his piece, though more depressed now.

Satsuki noticed the sudden change of personality and wondered if it was because of their previous conversation. The girl sighed and continued eating her pizza quietly, receiving some secret glances from Kageyama. The atmosphere started becoming more intense and awkward and none of them knew how to lighten it a little. Though, a certain orange head jumped right in front of their table, giving them a death glare and yelling, "GUYS!! I was waiting for you in front of the school the whole day!! Where have you been?!"

Hinata looked at his teammates' shocked expressions and then sighed, picking a seat besides Kageyama and Yamaguchi. "Ano, Hinata-kun?" Satsuki asked, motioning at Hinata to come closer. The orange headed male made his way besides Satsuki, receiving some well-hidden death glares from his raven haired teammate.

 "What's up?" Hinata asked Satsuki but he was immediately cut off by her who pulled him away from the table, everyone around it looking at her weirdly. When she was sure that none of them could hear them, she turned to the orange head and started talking. "I wanted to ask you if any of you has ever mentioned something about "Queen of the Court" or about a "Receiver"?"

The male started thinking but shook his head negatively, his brownish eyes staring straight into her core. "But I know the receives from practise, though!" he exclaimed with excitement which made the raven girl sweat drop instantly, wondering from where all of his excitement was coming. Both of them made their way back to the table after Satsuki thanked him but Kageyama's eyes were still staring at his childhood friend intensively. Could it be jealousy?

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