Discontinued + New version

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As you can all see from the title, this story is officially discontinued. It was a hard decision to make but I ended up with this. I have to discontinue this because as many times as I'll try to rewrite this, it will never be enough satisfying for me to publish.

I will keep this online because it was one of my first fan fictions and my first Haikyuu!! fan fiction ever and I'm still proud of my oldest ideas. It is just a draft version.

However, I thought of a new version of it. The newest idea is good enough to be published and it will be slightly AU. It will take me some time to publish it, of course, but it will have the same protagonists- Kageyama and Satsuki.

Don't give up on me yet!

I have another Haikyuu!! fan fiction too, called Senpai! It is an Iwaizumi fan fiction (summer project) which may have short chapters but it will be humoristic and sweethearted. You can check it out in the meanwhile- until I'll publish the new version of this, that is.

- Katsu

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