8| The sun the fun the beach!

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- Chapter 8 -

The sun, the fun, the beach!

"Minna-san~~!!" Yachi yelled in the dorm, Satsuki following behind the blonde tiredly. Yachi had woken up far more before anyone else and she had shaken her raven friend to wake up too for an unknown reason. Satsuki had gotten a bit angry with her but shrugged it off, remembering the happy events of last night. Emotions filled up her stomach and made it a stomach tied in knots; she was too nervous to face Kageyama now.

Groans were heard from the boys' rooms and soon the door opened, revealing a pissed off volleyball captain which sent chills down the girls' spines. "Sa-Sa-Sawamura taichou. . . A-Are you. . . Is e-e-everything alright?" the blonde assistant manager asked, both her body and voice shaking with fear.

The two girls watched him intensively as he rubbed his eyes and yawned, a dark aura still floating around him. "Why did you wake us up? We are exhausted from yesterday's practise so we wanted to take some rest. . . So. Why?"

Satsuki sighed and pushed Sachi front, giving her a reassuring look that she wouldn't get hurt. The blonde gulped and scratched the back of her head awkwardly, looking up at the captain, "Well. . . The three of us- me, Satsuki and Kiyoko-senpai- thought that since you are working so hard those days you could take a break. And what's better than a small trip to the beach, right? So, will you come?". Sawamura seemed to be thinking about it for a little before nodding and clossing the dolr behind him.

The two girls sighed in relief and have each other victorious looks, bright smiles on their faces as they walked back in their room.


"Uwaaaahhhhh, this is soooooo cool! It is like. . . weeeee!!!" Hinata exclaimed with pure excitement and looked at the clean sea with shining eyes.

His teammates and the players of Nekoma Volleyball Team sweat dropped behind him but looked with happiness the golden sand and the enormous sea which were laying under the bright and shining sun. They started unpacking their belonging items and placed some umbrellas around, many so they could fit in. Satsuki sat under an umbrella after she had placed her towel on the soft sand and stared at the sea, admiring it. It had been years since she had been to a beach and the fact that she had access to one after duch a long time was a bliss for her.

She felt someone tapping her shoulder and she turned to look at the person, who was non else than Kageyama himself. "May I sit?" he asked, pointing besides her. Satsuki nodded and looked front, blushing slightly at the sight of him. Remembering the moment they shared together was making her blush worst, something which Kageyama noticed and looked away embarassed.

"Erm. . . About last night. . ." the girl started, trailing off.

"Yeah. . . About that. . ."

"We better talk about it later" they said in sync, looking at each other dumbfounded before chuckling. Satsuki stretched her hands and looked at the sea, then at Kageyama and poked her head towards the sea. Kageyama shrugged but finally nodded, standing up.

Satsuki started stripping off her clothes, revealing a white two pieces swimsuit with dark stripes, in the perfect size for her. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and then fixed her clothes, placing them in her bag. Kageyama took off his shirt and stayed with his dark blue swimsuit which looked like shorts. The two of them looked at each other, a small tint of pink dusting their cheeks when observing their swimsuits. Finally, they started making their way in the sea where Nishinoya and Sugawara were trying to get inside calmly but their plans were ruined when Sawamura and Tanaka splashed them with water. The raven head grabbed Kageyama's hand and pulled him along with her inside, giggling uncontrolably from happiness. Kageyama smiled slightly and let er drag him along.

The raven female sank in the water, leaving a sigh of relief as she appeared in the surface again. In the other hand, the black haired setter of Katasuno was standing there, only wet from his waist and down. The water was too cold for him (even though it was summer) and he was just trying to take his time before diving in the cold abyss. Satsuki smirked slightly at the formation of a sneaky idea and she swam silently towards him, Kageyama not taking notice of her. Suddenly, the girl emerged from the water and fell on him, making both to fall on the water. Kageyama yelped before his mouth filled with salty water, hearing in sync a squeal of his fellow friend. The cold liquid enclosed his body and pulled both in a toght embrace, making his skin quiver at the sudden contact. Not having enough breath, he gasped and took a swallow breath when he reached up the surface, still shaking a bit from the sudden temperature change.

"Hehe. You must have seen your face~" Satsuki teased behind him, smirk etching her face and the tone of her voice hiding a sneaky demeanor behind it. The raven male gritted his teeth in frustration and rubbed his messy hair, drops of water being thrown here and there.

He turned his body towards her and what the girl saw made her eyes widen. Kageyama was smirking and he had a raised eyebrow, his features being shadowed and an obvious plan displaying in his cryptic expression. She tried to ran away but it was already too late. Satsuki was pushed deep in the water from her childhood friend, his arms holding her shoulders down to prevent her from escaping his small prison. Small bubbles of precious air escaped her mouth and she giggled inwardly. After some seconds which seemed like minutes, both of them dived up to the surface and gasped for air, panting softly.

Purple eyes rested on the raven male and she pouted, glaring at him playfully. "Tobio, you're mean. Baldy"


"You're a piece of poop!"

"Oi! Watch your mouth!"

"Watch out!"


Satsuki had glomped him unexpectedly, making him fall on the water once more with a huge splash sound. The girl quickly swam away from him and towards the sand because she would soon had to face the wrath of the setter of Karasuno. Kageyama lifted himself from the water, dark lines shadowing his irritated face and almost fumes escaping his ears. Then, he ran out of the sea and started chasing the unlucky ravenette around the beach, casuing Yachi and Sugawara laugh their butts off at the funny sight.

. . .

"Ah~ It is indeed a beautiful day, huh?" a certain raven male mumbled, looking down at his blond friend who was meanwhile completely focused on his video game. The raven chuckled at his friend's usual behaviour and adverted his gaze at two persons who were rubbing on the hot sand.

He could recognize them. The one was Kageyama Tobio, setter of Karasuno and well-known as "King of the Court". The other person was a girl he had never heard about but knew that she was an assistant coach of Karasuno and was named Satsuki Shiroshi. Suddenly, the raven's eyes snapped open in recognision as he examined more the girl and recalled again and again he oh-so-familiar name.

The blond besides him noticed the sudden change of mood and raised an eyebrow at him, his eyes leaving momentarily the game to look at the girl. "Kuroo-kun, who's that are you looking at?"

Kuroo shook his head and patted Kenma's head, smirking slightly, "Just an old acquiantance"


Aaaaand I have to end it here ;-; Sorry but I wanted to update and I was too bored and uninspired to write something else =3= I will fix the errors later.

Comment down what you think of it so far~<3 :D Love ya all!

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