9| Queen of his Heart

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- Chapter 9 -

Queen of his Heart

The continuous ringing of the alarm clock caused some groans to be heard in the almost empty room and a slam tensed the semi-sleeping figures. The hand which had slammed the alarm clock and shut it down ,slipped off of the item and fell on the side of the black-haired figure who was still laying on the bed. Satsuki moaned from the lack of sleep and blinked her tired eyelids a few times so they could adjust to the morning light.

Last night was a really tiring and exhausting night. After the small beach trip, all of them gathered together and had a barbecue, mainly for the hard work of the volleyball players to improve themselves. Then, all the teenagers decided to play some truth or dare in the beach which made Satsuki to confess a couple of things about herself (not that important) and kiss Kageyama in front of everyone. Everyone. It was the only moment she wanted to strangle Tsukishima for daring her but obeyed with the game's rules and did as was said. Afterwards, the girls had a sleepover in a room with pillow-fights, horror stories and embarrassing confessions. Pretty much, they slept at least at five a.m. which was not helpful for their last day in the training camp.

"Geh. . . I don't want to go back home" Satsuki randomly pointed out which was agreed from most of the girls in the room.

A rustle was heard besides her, meaning that Yachi had sat up on the bed, "Though, Winter Cup is nearing closer. Besides, we have various tasks to take care of and our volleyball team needs more practise"


The raven girl sat up too and yawned, rubbing tiredly her eyes. She wanted some more sleep but she had to wake up early so she could enjoy her last day in Tokyo. Besides, visiting Tokyo was hard for her to do since she had a small amount of money sent by her parents everyday in her house. 

The cute manager of Nekoma crawled besides the raven girl and gave her a playful smirk, "Say, Shiroshi-san, what's up with you and Kageyama-kun~?". Heat travelled across her cheeks and the Karasuno coach stayed quiet, looking at her feet while playing with her fingers. Even her reaction was saying it all.

Yachi gasped and jumped in front of Satsuki, "Satsuki-san!! Y-You and. . . K-Kageyama-kun! Wh-When?!". The short blonde really didn't know how to react; surprised but on the other hand, happy. She could imagine Kageyama and Satsuki as a couple but never knew that her imaginations would become true.

Satsuki looked around her- all the girls were giggling and looking at her, waiting for an answer. "Oh, look at the time- I have to prepare some breakfast!" she threw the most lame excuse she could think at the moment and sprinted off of the room, heading towards the bathroom. She locked herself in there and sat on the cold floor with her short pajamas on- a pair of baggy shorts and a sleeveless pink shirt. The girl didn't want to discuss about her relationship with Kageyama together with the other girls, mostly because she didn't actually know if they were in a relationship right now. Everything was so messed up in her mind that she couldn't think clearly of a proper answer.

"I just have to face the facts and consider him as someone more than a friend. . ." Satsuki thought out-loud and then got back in her thoughts, a mix of emotions with words. So he is. . . my b-b-boyfriend?

She shook her head and unlocked the bathroom's door, peeking on the outside to check for anyone walking on the hallway. When she confirmed that, she headed back in the girls' room which was empty; it was proved that they had already gone for breakfast while the raven head was in the bathroom. She sneaked under the bed covers and snuggled in the pillow without making any noise. The teen closed her eyes and tried to gain some sleep for the sake of getting some rest. Yet, someone entered the girls' room and started shaking her softly.

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