chater four:

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That new kid moose is actually pretty cute but i doubt he would like me in any way, he may even have a girlfirend or like someone else so i shouldn't bother. Last night was sort of hectic with julian and his crew showing up, and they really know how to ruin people's nights. So i decided to get up a bit earlier than usual and practice for our first comp for the year, but all of a sudden i hear loud music virbrating through the floor. Someone's in our speaker room so i best well check it out incase we got robbed or something... just incase... i grab a baseball bat and use it for my protection. I slowly walk in and bam! its natalie dancing and she's actually really good!

"ahhhhh! what the hell are you doing emma?!"

"sorry i though you were a robber or something"

"and so that's why your using a bat as your protection? for a girl that's pretty smart but dont wack yourself in the face okay"

"haha i wont im not that clumsy, but anyway are you thinking about joing our crew?"

"maybe i dont know i only just met you guys, wouldn't it be sort of weird to have a stranger around?"

"nah its all good, remember everyone here was a stranger to eachother at one stage but look where it's brought us now, were family"

"and luke seems to like you aswell" i said with a smirk.

"he does?!" 

"woah calm down there but yes im pretty sure he does, well to me anyway"

...................suddenly luke walks in...............well how awkward is that..........................................

"Hey girls what you doin up so early?"

"Well i was just warming up until you sister came in thinking i robbed you house or something"

"hahaha oh emma seriously your a crack up, but natalie have you thought about joining the crew?"

"not exactly but maybe give me a bit longer to think about and then i'll get back to you"

"sure why not, do you guys want to head out and train with me or you having girl talk already?"

"yeah but we sort of should eat breakfast first bro"

so us three cooked up some bacon and eggs, blended up a smoothie and got changed into our gym gear. I sort of really needed to pee so i walked towards the bathroom and out comes moose, he looks adorable when he wakes up in the morning. 

"Hey emma why you up so early for huh?"

"just thought there was a robber in our house when infact it was just natalie warming up"

"haha i was wondering what that noise was but anyway why are you in your gym gear?" he smirked.

"just heading out to the training area with nat and luke, do you want to join us?"

"i would but have to go to my classes at NYU but i better let you go you must be busting"

"oh that's okay, but thank you! talk later"

Well that wasnt exactly awkward but a bit weird at the same time, i hope moose dosent think im stupid or anything. I mean im blond and everything but at times i forget what day it is or even what i had for dinner the night before. So luke, nat and i head out into the back area of the house where there's our training equiptment, nat looked stuned at how we set up the place. 

"come on ladies lets have a race and see who can get to the end the fastest"

"but i have no idea on where im going"

"just follow luke and he'll lead the way, but dont let him overtake you to much"


I dont think i have met anyone like luke, i mean my last relationship broke me like a sunken ship but when i'm with luke i feel like i can be myself again. Have you ever found someone who you thought might be your soulmate well for me that's luke and i hope he feels the same way. We all raced over fences and highwalls, at times i got confused until luke told us he was gonna text moose to tell him to get his butt over to us for the comp. 

"are you sure he'll get the text?"

"heh moose always answers my texts no matter what situation"

"then why hasnt he answered huh?"

All of a sudden moose looks over and luke lifts his shirt up.. oh sweet candy he's a complete package. Dont take that in a wrong way, all im saying he's gorgeous and smoking hot at the same time! Abs dont ocure to me to often but luke's are model material.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"its time for our first comp little bro"

"really?! i was sort of in the middle of a test but anyway... and you calling me little bro?"

"yeah why not your becoming part of the family now"

So we get into luke's car and met the rest of the team there, we were versing a crew that i have never heard of in my life. Moose and i sat out this one because we didnt exactly know the routine they were doing but i feel so pumped! They did heaps of flips and there was so much smoke! KIm so glad im not asmatic otheriwse i would of died by now. We eneded up winning and luke picked me up and spinning me around in a hug, oh i felt so happy right now.


So we won the comp!!! i feel so happy about that and we have so many good dances i wonder if i will fit in or not. Luke was really good and so was emma! I better get back to the campus to go out for lunch with my best friend camille and two of her new friends. I walk into the campus library and the three girls are playing some sort of game, i think i might join in.

"Hey moose want to join us? you can be on Camille's team if you want".

"Yeah sure".

So we played the game for a hour or so until kirsten asked us this question.....

"So how long have you guys been dating for?"

"um.. well were not were just friends"

"But you guys look so cute together!"

"sorry to ruin the moment guys but i really have to get going, sorry i cant go to ,lunch you guys but this is super important! i'll make it up to you okay".

"okay but you better come next time alright".

I was actually looking forward to lunch but we have to start practicing for our next comp and natalie and i finally get to join in! We did freestyle dancing, hiphop, street dancing, break dancing and it all worked so well together its gonna rock! 


hey guys sorry that it may not be as long as you wnated it to be, next week's chapter will be okay promise!!! comment below who's pov you want to see next! who's seen the new step up movie by the way?! im super excited to see it though!!!! so yeah vote and comment, who ever comments first will get a shoutout!!1 and oh my good ness over 2 thousand people have red this so far!!! :D love you all ~micky xo~

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