We're Okay

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Note: Hey gang, it's been a minute hasn't it!! I hope you enjoy this little one shot, stay tuned for the end for an announcement/update <3

Also, this fic talks about disabilities. About feeling broken, and unlovable. And while Hoseok's disability is physical, it doesn't always have to be. If you take anything away from this, please, remember that no matter how broken, how unlovable, how hopeless you feel, the reality couldn't be farther from it. Because the truth is, that you're worth more than all those stars up in the sky. Remember that, please, just like how Yoongi and Hoseok have each other, there are people in your life that care about you too. I know it, and you know if you ever need anyone to talk to you or anything at all, my chat is always open <3


Hoseok POV

"Wait...no that can't be right...please tell me you're joking." Hoseok spoke, a bit breathless, a lot desperate.

The doctor looked down toward the papers in his hands before sighing, heavily. Taking off his glasses, and looking towards Hoseok with sad eyes, "I'm sorry Hobi. It's a fickle thing, really, all we can do is prescribe medication that will hold it off for a little bit longer. You're going to feel pain until it's lost completely, but once it's gone, there will be no more pain."

Hoseok shook his head, "No, no Jin hyung please, not as my doctor but as my friend please tell me that's not right. Test my blood again, there had to have been something wrong! We're just missing something, right? Have Jiminie and Namjoon look at the results too."

"Hobi I checked it fifty times, I even had Joonie and Jiminie double check." Seokjin spoke in a soft voice, sitting next to Hoseok on the bed. He handed him the medical papers, "It's rare, I'll give it that. One in like, every thousand people maybe have it. But..." He sighed, Hoseok felt his heart heavy in his chest, his throat closing as his eyes blurred, but he looked back towards his doctor, towards his friend, who whispered, "I'm sorry. Namjoon, Jimin, and I, we should have seen it sooner. When you complained about pain in your ears back in college, all the times the seven of us have gone out together, and you'd be the only one having trouble hearing. We never took any of it seriously. This is on our hands, this is our fault Hobi..."

Hoseok was shaking his head when Seokjin pulled him into a warm hug, one that Hoseok accepted, his voice hitching, "It's not your fault."

Not a moment later, Namjoon and Jimin came into the small medical room, their white coats shining, but their eyes clouded and tear filled, tired. Hoseok moved away from the embrace, and offered the best smile he could towards them. Namjoon looked down, Jimin stepping forward, "Hyung, I'm sorr-"

"Jiminie." Hoseok cut him off, the smile of his lips bittersweet, but if anything, he was happy to see them. "If I don't have much longer to hear my friends voices, then I only want to hear good things. It's not your fault. I promise, this isn't your fault."

Jimin held his lip between his teeth, before taking a step forward and enveloping Hoseok in a bone crushing hug, "Whether you can hear us or not your still my hyung. Don't forget that."

Seokjin's hand was kind on Hoseok's shoulder, "You're still our Hoseokie. No matter what."

And Hoseok smiled, because even if he was broken, even if he wouldn't be able to keep up with them like he used to, he still had them, his friends. He would always have them.

But his smile faltered when Namjoon's voice spoke, gentle, "Hobi-ah, how are you going to tell him?"

Hoseok took a deep breath, studied the floor, because that, that was something he wasn't ready to do. Something he didn't know if he could do.

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