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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

Taehyung's out of the shower, just on time, heading downstairs, Jungkook senses he came down and prepared a meal for him.

Right at that moment, the door bell rings and Taehyung freezes, "Hyung..."

"Hyung?" Jungkook repeats, opening the door revealing Hoseok.

"Jung Hoseok?" Jungkook stood to the side, realizing that Taehyung is the little brother he used to talk about when they tended the same college, understanding the situation.

Hoseok rushed through, after giving Jungkook a quick glance, spotting his beloved little brother, "Taehyung-ah." He spoke briefly and embraced him into a tight hug. He felt tears fall on his shoulder, as the fabric become a little wet as Taehyung weeped.

"Hyung!" He cried, his grip tightening on Hoseok, his older brother.

"I'm so s-sorry!" He sniffed, furrowing his eyebrows.

Hoseok hushed his brother, patting his back, "It's my fault, don't apologize Taehyung." He huffed, comforting him. Even though they were only a few years apart, Hoseok always cared for Taehyung as if he was his own child in a way.

Jungkook just stood and watched, he felt his heart break.

After the moment ended, Hoseok turned to Jungkook and looked him in the eyes, "Thank you Jungkook. For bringing him to your home and taking him out of that horrible situation." He paused, giving him a short hug, "I might not know exactly what had happened but I can only imagine." Furrowing his eyebrows.

Jungkook slightly smiled but he wondered, "How'd you know he was here?"

"He called me, and told me that he was at your place, so I came rushing over." He explained.

Jungkook nodded his head, "I'm glad he called you." Smiling brightly.

Hoseok thanked him once again and they all sat down at the dining table. Jungkook gave Taehyung his meal and Hoseok sat down and ate with him. Jungkook already had his meal, so he sat down and waited.

After they finished, Hoseok told Jungkook that he'll be taking Taehyung home.

Jungkook's heart sank a little for he wanted Taehyung to stay and get better, but of course he had to go home and talk to his brother about everything, the poor thing is so scarred, he doesn't know if he'll be okay or not.




After a long silent ride home, the two brothers entered the empty dark house and turned on the lights, Hoseok went to the kitchen to make some tea for Taehyung as he came back and sat on the couch with him, wrapping him in a warm blanket.

Taehyung's POV:

After we got home, I sat on the couch uncomfortably holding my legs up to my chest, resting my head on my knees, looking to the side.

Hoseok came and rested his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at his sorrowful eyes, yet he gave a small smile. He was worried. Wrapping a blanket around me, he sat down on the couch folding in his legs, holding a cup of tea, and in a sweet, warm, worried yet soft tone, he spoke, "Taehyung-ah..." He started off, "It's cold, drink some tea, warm up." He placed his arm forward, bringing the cup of tea close to where my arms hugged my legs together.

Sniffing, I accept his tea into both of my hands and stare down into it, looking at my horrible reflection. Those innocent, scared eyes, the bruise on my right cheek and nose, the scratches on my forehead, "hm..." lightly, sadly humming shortly as I enjoyed the warm feeling of the cup in my hands as it spread some form of warmth to me, only for a short second.

Taking in a soft breath, "You can tell me when your ready." He stated.

My grip on the mug tightened, my hands were beginning to shake lightly. Taking a light sip of the warm honeyed tea, "Being an omega..." pausing for a bit, almost choking on my words, "...really sucks." Scoffing at the truth, the bitter aftertaste of the black tea.

Even though the tea was honeyed, there will still be a bit of bitterness to it depending on how strong it is.
It seems like the tea is stronger, a bit for my tastebuds at the moment.

A tear slipping down my face as I continue to sip my warm tea, hoping it can bring me that warmth back to me. After a few more sips, there still is no warmth, I felt colder than I was before and shivered, my body now shaking, I myself was unstable. I was strong enough to not break down again, until Hoseok noticed and took my tea out of my hands, placing it onto the table beside us.

"Come here." He sighed, pulling me towards him resting his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms securely around me, humming lightly into my ear. At that moment, I tried my hardest, biting my lips to make sure no sounds would escape my useless mouth. But instead, my lips failed me, and I broke down, clutching onto him.

This scent that makes me feel safe, his protective hug, his existence and place in life right now, it's what I am greatly thankful for.

If I didn't have my older brother around, I wouldn't know what could have happened to me if I came home alone, if I stayed in that boys home any longer... I would have caused more harm to myself and lock myself up.

"Why didn't y-you come when I needed you!" I cried, scarred and upset at him. My tears wouldn't stop falling, and for me to ever think I was strong, this only proved me wrong beyond what I thought.

His scent sharpened, his grip on me lightly tightened, but it was subtle. I can tell he's hurting as well. "I'm sorry Taehyung..." He said softly yet again, "I was wrong for not taking you home when you called..." He paused, with a shaky breath, "I was so worried, but I kept reminding myself that you'd be okay... but never once did I ever want to think that something could ever hurt you like this." Grasping my shoulders, he looked at me with his deeply sorrow filled eyes, the bright face I'd normally witness turned into the most pained and regret filled expression I had ever seen on someone's face.

"You didn't deserve this..." as calmly as it was to be said, a few tears slipped out slowly and dripped down his face as well. Every word he said, you can tell he meant, every action of his, you can tell is to comfort me as much as he can.

"Hyung." Wiping my tears away to look at him seriously, "Don't look at me like that." Hitting his arm lightly, "I don't ever want to see you pained like that... ever again." I croaked.

It felt like the world stopped spinning and time stopped ticking. He sat there frozen, staring at me with shocked eyes, time started tick again and the world began to spin again as the last tear that dropped off from his face, landed onto his shirt. He held his face and took a deep breath, in the most sorrow filled and cracked voice, "I'm sorry!" He wailed, hugging me tightly, weeping onto me as well.

Everyone has their breaking point, no matter how strong they are, no matter how strong the barrier to their heart is...

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