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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

Light rays of the sun shone into Taehyung's room, creeping its way out of the blinds and onto his bed. As Jungkook and Hoseok were working on his case, a low groan escaped Taehyung's lips in discomfort. His pheromones released into the air as the scent of sweet strawberries clouded his room. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Rolling around in bed trying to stay cool, he had one hand placed on his belly and the other under his pillow, scrunching onto whatever he could beneath his hands.

Muffled light whines could be heard as he bit into his pillow, trying to fight the uncomfortable feeling that was all too overwhelming for him. Huffing, lightly panting from the heat, he grabbed his phone and stuck his tongue out as he was typing.

His mouth dry, and the hot atmosphere coming over him didn't help with anything and he didn't know why he was feeling uneasy. Though he did have an idea, he didn't know exactly why he'd be feeling the way he was.

Quick with his fingers, he typed away a few messages to Hoseok since he couldn't bring himself to get up nor speak.


'You're up? How are you feeling Tae?'

'Don't tell me you want breakfast in bed...'

'No but can you please come upstairs? With a bottle of cold water..?'

'I don't feel so good.'

'Alright, I'll be up in a bit.'


Hoseok was concerned, his senses sharp, he knew something was wrong and that Taehyung's scent was getting strong, but he didn't think too much of it until his scent came all the way downstairs. Jungkook looked up at him frowning at his seniors concerned expression, "Whats wrong with Taehyung?" He assumed, noticing the sweet smelling atmosphere.

"I'm not sure... I'll be back though." He said briefly as Jungkook nodded his head.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, Hoseok swiftly made his way upstairs, the scent becoming sharper and sweeter as he made his way towards Taehyung's room.

He was uneasy and slowly walked into Taehyung's room, worried. He spotted Taehyung sprawled out on his bed, huffing and squirming around. Making his way toward Taehyung's bed, he stood in front of him and immediately placed the back of his hand
on Taehyung's sweaty forehead.

"H—Hyung it's really hot..." Taehyung whimpered, shutting his eyes tight and furrowing his brows.

"Tae, have you been taking your suppressants?" Hoseok asked, helping his brother sit up as he opened the cold water bottle for Taehyung, helping him drink up.

"I— I have been, just as the d—doctor prescribed me to, w—why?" Taehyung stuttered, holding his head in pain, wincing.

"Damn it he's in heat again..." Hoseok muttered lowly, his eyes sharp, "I don't think your heat suppressants are doing you any justice Tae." He sighs, "you're burning." He seethes, laying Taehyung back down.

Hoseok got up and went towards his bathroom and grabbed a towel, running cold water onto it and rinsing the towel just so it was damp enough to not drip on the floor.

He sighed and stopped Taehyung from biting his pillow again, gently nudging his head to the other side so he could be looking up straight. He lightly placed the towel onto Taehyung's forehead and gently pressed it.

"My head hurts..." Taehyung says weakly, earning a few light groans as the pain continued to grow.

Sighing, Hoseok slid his slippers off and sat in Taehyung's bed, moving his bangs away from his face and lightly massaging his brothers temples in hopes it could calm him down.

Taehyung let out a soft relived sigh as Hoseok's gentle fingers came into contact with his forehead. He felt like bursting, but Hoseok's gentle touch soothed him.

"Does this help a little?" Hoseok asked softly.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and and gently smiled, "It does.. a little." Managing to turn himself to the side, he hummed a "thank you" and relaxed from being pampered for a while.

"Of course..." Hoseok smiled a short moment, then turning to a frown, "If you've been taking your suppressants, you shouldn't have your heat for.. a while." Pausing, "I guess they're wearing off and affecting you in the long term now, huh?"

Lightly running his fingers through his head and scratching it in hopes he'd stay calmed down for a little longer. "I'll talk to your doctors and see if I can take you somewhere this week okay? I'll go get you some food in a bit too. If you want us to leave, or if you feel uncomfortable for the day and want to be alone, just let me know alright?" He reassured with a bright and loving smile.

Taehyung smiled back, weakly nodding. Hoseok patted his head after a while of massaging his temples, luckily Taehyung dozed back to sleep. He joined Jungkook in the living room once again as he made his way down the stairs.

Jungkook was quick as always and found some more files as well as a possible pinpoint to where the criminals might be right now. Looking up, Jungkook asked, "How is he?"

Sighing, Hoseok shook his head, "his suppressants aren't doing him a favor at the moment. I'll have to check in with his doctor somewhere this week."

"Why don't you call his doctor right now and schedule an appointment for this week hm? I can work alone on this for a bit if you'd like. I'm fine with it." Jungkook shrugged.

Nodding, Hoseok picked up his phone and called Taehyung's doctor. Jungkook on the other hand, was digging deeper behind the investigation, close to find the Moon Brothers and Ahn Hyung Sik's whereabouts.

"Gosh... I hope that kids okay."

Le_Mochi ~ 💕

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