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Jungkook's POV:

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Jungkook's POV:

After I woke up and got ready, I made myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my laptop, and headed out to Hoseok's house. It was a good 15 minute drive, not too long. I quickly locked my car, carrying my laptop and knocked on his door, looking at my watch, I was right on time.

After a few clicks, the door opened and I was met with a smiling Hoseok, "Morning Kook, are you ready to get down to business?"

Chuckling, "As ready as I'll ever be." Hoseok led me to the couch where he had his two laptops set up already as well as file with red writing on it set on top of a pile of papers next to one of the laptops.

I opened up my laptop and turned it on as I sat on the couch, waiting for Hoseok. After logging in and pulling up a few files, I set my laptop down on the table as he made his way over with a mug of tea for the both of us. I crossed my arms and laid back on the couch after pulling up three files.

"Woah, daebak..." He regaled, taking a look at the files I had pulled up.

Resting my head back, closing my eyes for a moment, "The one on the left and right are known as the 'Moon Brothers'. Kim Moon Sik, and Kim Moon Byul. In the center, is a man known as 'A', his real name, Ahn Hyung Sik, they are all half-breeds." Pausing, opening my eyes and placing my hand on my chin, "The Moon brothers have many reports of rape, but they are more... how do I say this... in a way undercover, like us. They lurk under the shadows kind of thing. Now, they have joined Hyung Sik and are working for him, helping him target weak, young Omegas, rape them, abuse them, even illegally sell them."

Taking a sip of my coffee, "They have been lying in the shadows for quite some time now." Looking through a few photos, pulling them up, pointing at them, "These bite marks on Taehyung's right arm belong to Moon Byul, the claw marks as well." Putting the photo back down, "As I looked into it, they used to have a few more people in their little gang before the Moon brothers came in, and used to rape high school omega females, specifically freshman and sometimes juniors, behind the school up a mountain." Putting my coffee back down, "Remember the many reports of rape two years ago back in 2016? Around May?"

Hoseok nodded, listening, "We managed to catch two of their members, Park Jihyun and Kim Wooseok. They were charged for Rape and put in prison for five years, they are still currently in prison of course."

Rasing his eyebrows, "I can't believe you managed to get all of this in one night, let alone a few hours." Standing up, Hoseok lent out his hand to me, and I gave him a high five, "Well done Jeon." He smiled proudly, "I had a lead on Hyung Sik, but I fell asleep after that.. Taehyung insisted I'd sleep."

Clicking my tongue, "Ah, speaking of Taehyung, how is he holding up? Though I've already seen his body, after he washed up and the photos you sent me to look into still left me a bit uneasy."

Sighing, "It's hard for him, but he's doing his best to stay strong."

Nodding, I understood and spoke softly, "Well, I know it's hard for him, these horny alphas are always on the loose and you'd never think or expect to be one of those victims you might see on the news, you know?" Looking down, the reality was upsettingly too real, but what could you do? There's only so much you can do in this world.

Hoseok patted my shoulder and smiled at me, "And I wonder who was the smartass behind all the culprits captures..." he looked around as if he didn't know, and it brought a smile to my face.

I sneered and hit his arm lightly, "Hey, you were behind half of those captures as well... Mr. LC!" I laughed.

"How is being Lieutenant Commander something funny— it's not even funny... it's serious and I don't know why your making fun of it!" Hoseok frustrated.

Sighing, "I make fun of it because your my senior and I'm very proud to be your junior, kicking some ugly alpha ass!"

"But you are an alpha—"

"No I mean— ugh, anyways, I'm proud and honored to work especially beside you, as well as know that you've worked excruciatingly hard to get to where you're at."

Hoseok clutched his heart and fake cried, then lunged himself over to me and put my head to his chest, squishing me, "My Jungkookie finally learned how to praise me!!"

Struggling to get off him, "I c—can't breath h—hyung..." huffing, "And what do you mean... finally— praise you!?" Pushing him off me and fixing my hair, "I've always praised and looked up to you!" Defending myself.

Glaring at me because I rejected his hug, "Well it's the first time you actually did it right, at least."

Rolling my eyes at him, "And whose ugly alpha ass are you kicking, yours?" He laughed, "I swear if this isn't scripted, but I recall you saying, 'let's kick some horny mother—effing ugly alpha ass!' Every time we get special missions, sort of like this one." Raising his brow.

"You really gotta call me out like that, after all I've done for you..?" I said dramatically, "and yet you continue to make fun of me?" faking a sniffle.

"I'll make you cry if you actually take this seriously you idiot, now cut to the chase and let's stop goofing off." Hoseok said a bit more seriously.

Shuttering at his tone, "Okay, okay, jeez... says the one who was emotional about being praised thirty seconds ago..." sipping on my tea.

He took his slipper off and threatened to spank me with it, "I'm calling internal affairs if you do that and I'm sure that you won't like that!" I warned.

Sighing, "The perks of you being my junior... I swear..." he then sat back down and grabbed his laptop, helping me do some more research, and hopefully pinpoint their whereabouts.

A/N: The end of this chapter is so stupid what the hEck— aNYWAYS it's been a good 5 months, how've you guys been? :"D

Le_Mochi ~ 💜

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