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   In a world with no hope, no future, and no love, humans simply exist, pointlessly fighting for survival as the world continuously turns and days pass by. I know what you're thinking, and no, I don't know why people still try to get by if there's no point; I can't tell you what they are trying to achieve, but I can tell you that life does not always have a happy ending.
   Despite the horrid and cruel world, some people push forward with genuine smiles and have hearts of gold, refusing to see the bad in anyone or anything. Bad things always seem to happen to good people and Andreas Hall is the biggest example of a good heart getting put through hell and back. Andreas is an exceptional human being. He sees the good in all people and looks past everyone's flaws, he's the light the world needs during dark times, but dark shadows can cast down on even the sunniest of days. His willingness to believe everyone has good intentions leads to severe consequences, but those with pure souls are unable to see just how badly they can be hurt in the end.
   It all started about two weeks ago, misery was written all over my face as I forced my feet to carry my tired body into school. Many familiar and unfamiliar faces surrounded me as I trudged towards my usual table, forcing a smile on my face so no one asked questions. Words flew in one ear and out the other as I was quickly dragged into a conversation full of "she said this" and "he did that." I nodded along, fed up with drama I had no business hearing, and finally saw my only source of peace at the school, my best friend, the one person I could actually tolerate to be around for more than a few hours. We locked eyes and he smiled and sprinted up to me, not without tripping on his feet of course, and tackled me in a hug. He screamed my name and I returned the favor with his name, making sure to drag out the last syllable just for emphasis. I was yelling, "ANDREASSSSSSSSSSSSSS" and he was yelling, "NATASHAAAAAAAA" but to everyone around us we probably just sounded like dying cats.
   Andreas has a weird 6th sense where he automatically knows if somethings wrong with me or if I'm not okay and it's great yet horrible at the same time. He always knows how to cheer me up and be a good friend but sometimes it's nice to just not be okay and keep it to yourself for a while. He's always there for me so I really can't complain. He takes my problems and makes them his own so we can be in the same boat and we can deal with things together and no one has to be alone. He really is the best friend I ever could have asked for and I'm so thankful for him, I wish he could just see that life isn't always rainbows and lollipops.
   School dragged on like usual: I avoided exes, Andreas and I followed our crushes around for a while, we had some strange conversations, and I avoided doing any actual work in any of my classes.
   The real story didn't truly start until after school that day, when Andreas went through a whole new experience and both of our worlds got flipped upside down. Truthfully, Andy was just having a good time and enjoying the company of a man he found online. He went on a date and the man, who I later found out was named Micheal, took him to dinner and they grew extremely close as a result of this date. Andreas found comfort in Micheal that he didn't ever experience with anyone else and he was truly happy again.
   Everything was perfect, Andreas was happy so I was happy and nothing else seemed to matter in that moment.
   Perfection is overrated my friends. When everything seems to be so completely fantastic in one moment, all things fall apart in the next.       Life is a rollercoaster with its ups and downs and sometimes rollercoasters are built with more drops than rises.
   Andreas didn't see any harm in Micheal, didn't see any flaws or negative energy but I definitely did. Micheal was one of those people who acted sweet and innocent on the spot but behind closed doors he was not who he claimed to be. I'm jumping a bit ahead of myself here, for now everything was great and Andreas was living his life and finally getting the attention he deserved.
   When I picked Andreas up from his date (the dumbnut doesn't have his license yet) he was the happiest I have ever seen him. He was quite literally glowing, his eyes had a sparkle in them I've never seen before and a permanent smile forced itself on his face. Micheal absolutely won him over and who was I to complain, if Andreas was happy then I was happy.
   Life was too good to be real, completely and utterly fantastic. I would give anything to go back in time, go back two weeks and start it all over, tell Andreas he's making a big mistake and more importantly tell myself not to get involved. Fairytales don't exist in real life, though. Happy cannot always be the end result, and most importantly, pain must be felt sometimes in order for ones true self to shine through.
   Andreas cannot see a world with no happiness; he cannot decipher people having intentions to harm others and he cannot see that some people are rain clouds trying to block his sunshine in any way they can. He still sees the good in those who have done bad and he finds love in his heart for people who really don't deserve it. That's why the next morning he called out to my ex boyfriend, Jacob Sartano, and motioned for him to come over to us. I gripped Andreas's arm in anger and he just said that it's fine and I need to be on good terms with Jacob and we're both still good people.
   Andy refuses to see the pain Jacob caused me in my past, the cruel way that man treated me, the way he abused my mind. Jacob Sartano single handedly dropped every ounce of self confidence I've ever had and selfishly took every last bit of love I had for him and saved it up for himself. He never reciprocated any of the love, never even tried to show he cared. He made excuse after excuse when I would try to leave and I was stuck with a man who only cared about himself, a man who was willing to put me through hell just because he wasn't satisfied.
   Jacob sauntered over and I refused to look at him, I couldn't. Him and Andy had a short conversation, basically saying hello then goodbye and Jacob was off. I sent daggers at Andreas and he just shrugged and smiled insisting that Jacob is a good person and I need to look past the relationship. I just rolled my eyes and asked him about Micheal to get him riled up on a different subject. He let out a quite loud, "Girl oh my gosh," and was about to start telling me all about his new mans, but another one of Andy's friends, Lily Ackerman, quickly strode up to us.
   Lily's one of those people who would do anything to seem more superior than others. She's very bossy and I can't lie, she's not my favorite person in the whole world but Andy admires her so I guess it's fine.
   Lily was throwing directions and commands at Andy and I stood there dumbfounded. He gave in to everything she said and even if he didn't want to do something or if it didn't sound right, she forced him into it anyway. She said she had to go and marched away. I raised my eyebrows in her direction and shook my head. Some people are interesting man.
   "So, Micheal. Tell me more, tell me more!"
I exclaimed and Andreas quickly dropped his sad expression and his million dollar smile broke out.
   "Natasha oh my gosh he's so great, he's amazing, he's just ah," he drifted off, lost in his mind.
   "He could honestly be the one, I feel it in my heart he's just so great. Men like this don't just show up like he has to be here for a reason and that reason has to be for me and him to end up together. There's no other logical explanation, we will get married and he will father my childre-" I cut him off.
  "Don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself? I don't mean to crush your dreams or anything but you guys have only been on one date like you don't really know the guy." Andreas momentarily frowned and mumbled,    "I guess you're right."
   I hate causing him pain and I hate doing or saying anything that causes his happiness to diminish, but I believe it's important to view the reality of life.
   I wish Andreas would have told me sooner, I wish he would have told me about the phone call Micheal had on the date, I wish he would have told me about Micheal's possessive nature when a girl tried to hit on Andy, I wish Andy would have saw these as red flags instead of ignoring them entirely. Maybe if Andy wasn't so head over heels for this man then none of this would have happened. Nobody can predict the future though, I can't blame Andreas for what happened, I can't even blame Micheal. I just wish we could have stopped the disaster we were destined to have, I wish we could have predicted the absolute tragedy we were about to enter.

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