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   Mistakes are what define us as human beings, without them no one would learn and no one would figure out right from wrong. In some cases, mistakes go too far and maybe this was one of those cases, or maybe the tragedy that occurred that night wasn't a mistake.
Bree and I said our goodbyes and I headed home with a new heart about the whole Andreas situation. Breena was right, I needed to fix things with him as soon as possible, I needed him in my life.
   I called Andy and he picked up on the first ring.
   "Oh my gosh Natasha I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry you didn't deserve that and I didn't even mean what I said. I love you and I need you in my life please don't leave." He cried out, desperate for my forgiveness.
   "Andy you're fine. I love you too and I get it, it's totally okay." I said sincerely.
  "Are you sure?" He asked.
   "Yes, I'm sure. You're fine dude. So did you find Micheal?" I asked, aware of his level of concern to find the man.
  "Yes, well no. Well kind of. He texted me. All he said was, "don't worry it's all under control" which I don't really know what to do with but yeah I guess he's fine." He said with relief clear in his voice.
   "Well that's good, I'm glad he's okay." I said, forcing myself not to think of the hurtful words spoken at me the night before.
   Our phone call was interrupted by excessive beeping coming through my line. I looked at the screen and Louis's name flashed at me, causing a huge grin to caress my face.
  "Hey Louis is calling me, I gotta go. We'll talk later, love you." I told Andy in a rushed tone, anxious to speak to Louis.
   "Love you too, go get yo mans." Andy said in a joking tone.
  "Ha ha." I muttered sarcastically, hanging up and answering Louis's call.
   Louis and I talked all through the night, we talked about our date the next day, we talked about Andy, we talked about Louis's family. We talked about nothing and everything all at the same time. It was absolutely fantastic. In the rush of things in the past couple of days I had totally forgotten about the date. We hung up around two in the morning and I squealed in excitement, unable to wrap my head around the idea of the best day of my life being tomorrow. I couldn't wait for Louis and I to go out, I was so excited I truly don't think I even slept that night. Oh how I wish I had slept, how I wish I hadn't woken up. How I wish I remained asleep through the whole date so it didn't have to happen. Then, maybe, it would've just been a nightmare instead of a harsh reality.
   I forced myself out of bed to go to school the next morning and ended up picking up Andy on the way there. Everything between us was back to normal now, we were joking around as per usual and being our typical witty selves.
I missed him. Granted, we didn't talk for only one day, but that's a lot for him and I. We rely on each other and we keep each other grounded. I truly don't know what I would do without that boy.
   Classes and break dragged on but lunch was a good time. Louis and I talked about the date and I was so excited. We were going to go to a fancy Italian restaurant, then go get ice-cream afterwards. Well, that was the plan. Plans get halted when catastrophes occur. I'm jumping ahead again though, I can't help it. The results of that night were truly horrid and I wouldn't wish them upon my greatest enemy. I just wish I could turn back time and change something, anything, so none of this had to happen.
   After school Andy came over to my house and helped me get ready for the big date. Louis wasn't going to be at my house until 5, but we were a little excited and anxious so I got ready as soon as possible. To kill time, Andy and I danced around, played board games, and I did his makeup but don't tell him I told you that.
When Louis finally arrived to my house, Andreas began to slightly tear up. He stopped me at the door and let out a large puff of air.
   "Natasha, I still have weird feelings about you going on this date tonight. Please be safe and call me if you need anything. I love you so much." He said and he hugged me hard.
  "I love you too Andy, I'll be safe I promise, it'll all be okay. I'll call you afterwards and let you know how it went. Thank you for everything." I smiled at him and he opened the door.
  "Love you Nat, see ya later." He said as I walked down the driveway.
  "Love you too!" I exclaimed and happy hopped in Louis' car. He drove off and from the rear view mirror I smiled as I saw Andy begin his voyage home. Louis and I arrived at the restaurant and, being the gentlemen he was, he opened my car door for me. I was wearing a pink sun dress with blue flowers on it and he was wearing a nice button up shirt and a nice pair of jeans. He escorted me inside and had reservations under 'Kingman.' Louis and Natasha Kingman, I could picture that on a wedding invitation. We were escorted to our table and Louis pulled out my chair for me and seated himself. What a man.
   We got drinks and lightly conversed and joked around. The night seemed perfect, completely and utterly perfect.
   We were seated by a window and I could see stars and the moon clearly lighting up the dark night sky, families happily walking through the town with smiles adorning their faces, and most importantly, I could see the perfect man right in front of me, threatening to steal every last bit of my heart with just one smile.
I admired Louis, and in that very moment I knew I had wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I was in love with him, in every single way.
   "Nat, there's something I need to tell you." He said, suddenly seeming anxious. I nodded for him to continue and he gulped, forcing the next few sentences out of his mouth.
  "It's about the whole Micheal thing. I don't know if you heard but he's in a gang." I nodded, letting him know I had heard that bit of news and he continued.
  "Well, I'm in a gang too. Micheal's rival gang to be exact. The guy you saw beating me up last week, that was Micheal's brother. He hates me, my dad killed his dad and they blame me for it. Their biggest motto is to 'put and end to the Kingman name' and they'll stop at nothing to achieve just that. For that reason I don't think we can keep this relationship going. I want to keep you safe Natasha, I'm in love with you and I want what's best for you and that's not me. I'm sorry but-" his speech was cut off by a loud bang and the sound of glass shattering. I felt an intense burn ripple through my chest and in a quick moment, as I was crashing to to floor, I looked out the shattered window and saw none other than Micheal Gomez holding a gun straight in my direction. He was standing right under the streetlight. Right under the streetlight directly in front of the precious Italian restaurant Louis and I were seated in.  
   Oh how I wish I could have taken my eyes off of Louis for a second to see him, how I wish I could have changed the outcome. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I slammed down to the ground and Louis stood over me, wetting my face with his tears. I could feel my blood pooling out of my new wound and Louis ripped off his shirt, trying to stop the thick red substance from oozing out of my body, but it was too late. I saw flashing lights as cops and ambulances forced their way into the restaurant, kicking everyone out before they even had a chance to process what had happened. I could hear no sound and process no thoughts as Louis was ripped away from my line of vision and strangers towered over me. I felt my eyes droop and words were stuck in the back of my throat. With every last ounce of strength in my body, I managed to mumble out a very audible, "Andy" before I felt my eyes droop and darkness take over my vision.
Micheal had done it, he killed someone who was important to a Kingman. If I had been slightly smarter, and slightly more aware, maybe I could have stopped this. Maybe Andreas wouldn't have to go through so much pain and suffering. Maybe I would still be alive.
Bad things happen to good people though, and Andreas Hall did not get what he deserved, I did not get what I deserved. I'm dead now. Just a memory, just a thought that may cross someone's mind. Maybe, if the world wasn't so cruel and heartless then this wouldn't have happened, maybe I would live to tell you more stories of my life and who I become. Maybe I would get married and have kids and maybe I would live in a big house with lots of pets. Who knows though? Micheal Gomez ended my life and I will never know who I will become, I will never know who I'm supposed to be, and most importantly, I will never know Andy again. He was the sunshine in the world, the light on a cloudy day, and I hope his love for the world continues and his smile never alters. Andreas Hall, I love you and I miss you greatly. I'm sorry I had to go this way and I'm sorry you're hurt, but I know you'll do great things and I can't wait to see who you become. Thank you for always rose tinting my world.


Natasha Duncan

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