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   Sometimes relationships really make you wonder. Why would an individual remain with someone if they are miserable? Why are they still together if they're both unhappy? Why do people still stick with their partner if they're being mistreated? Love causes people to do extremely irrational things. Love can cause endless amounts of happiness or pain and at what risk? In the world today the risk is not worth it, nobody wants to put themselves out there because nobody wants to get hurt. Love is a game, there's always a winner and always a loser; in a society full of people scared to fail, the game is never played.
   Andreas is different from the rest of society. He goes against all ideas of who he's supposed to be and creates his own identity and personality. Maybe that's why I love hanging out with him so much, I admire how different and unique he is in a universe where people are all the same. He's truly great, but in a heartless world his different personality is used against him and he's used in ways I can't even decipher. "Friends" of Andy walk all over him and the boy is so sweet he can't say no. Oh how I wish he knew how to say no.
   Friday night was a game-changer for not only my own opinions of Micheal, but Micheal and Andy's relationship. After we left the park, Micheal was supposed to drive Andreas back home but apparently he had different ideas. Micheal and Andy found an abandoned parking lot and went to town. I'll spare you the details, all you need to know is my best friend lost his innocence that night.
Andy wanted Micheal, he wanted him bad. As much as I wish he didn't, he did, and his attraction was obvious. I would know, I heard all about it Saturday morning- ALL about it, Andreas was careful not to leave any details out.
   When Andy and I finished conversing about his wild antics we decided to meet at the mall. When we got there I couldn't stop laughing at his obvious limp and the look of discomfort on his face. He sent me a dirty look and I just laughed more. Gotta love Andy.
We walked around the mall for a while and Andreas and I decided to go get food. We sat outside, well I sat- Andreas took a little while but eventually after pushing through the pain he was able to plop his butt down on a seat too. We had light conversation and I was about to comment on Andreas's new non virgin glow when I saw the undeniable mop of red hair walking our direction. I quickly picked the menu up and hid my face behind it. No way, no way he was there, it couldn't be real. "Nat are you okay?" Andy asked me, genuinely concerned. "Shhhhhh!" I yelled and peeked my head over the menu to look behind him then quickly hid again. I felt the table shake as Andreas quickly turned his whole body to look behind him and an audible gasp came out of his mouth.
   "Louis!" He yelled, calling the sex god over.       
   "Andreas no!" I yell whispered to him, hitting his arm with my once great hiding mechanism. Louis obviously had no idea who Andy was and looked confused about the new voice and face calling him over, then we locked eyes. I could've melted right then and there. Louis walked over and Andy, of course, invited him to sit and eat with us. He sat down and his nonchalant and cool persona was very obvious as he picked up my menu and looked it over.
   "Your bruises are healing." I said suddenly, surprising myself with the words. Wow, genius words, way to go Nat. Of course they're healing! That's what bruises do you idiot!
  "Oh, uh yeah they are. The hospital gave me cream to heal them faster. They should be gone in a couple weeks." His raspy voice let out and if I wasn't already a melted puddle of skin and bones on the ground, I definitely was now.
  "Oh, cool." I said, suddenly feeling the awkward vibe surrounding the table.
   "Well I'm Andreas, nice to meet you." Andy said, sticking out his hand for Louis to shake. If I'm being completely honest, I totally forgot he was there but I would never tell him that.
   "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I forgot you guys don't know each other. Louis, this is my best friend Andreas. Andreas, this is that guy I was telling you about." I said and they shook hands.   
A smug look caught Louis' face and he smirked at me, "So you talked about me huh? All good things I hope." I was about to snap back with a witty comment about over-flattering himself, but Andy was on top of speaking for me today.
  "Oh very good things, so many of them too. You wouldn't believe how much this girl talks about you. It's hard to get her to shut up sometimes." If looks could kill he would definitely be dead in that very moment. Louis thought my apparent obsession with him was hilarious and I rolled my eyes, sending daggers towards Andreas. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
   "So you talk about me a lot? I'm not surprised blondie, I mean look at me. How could you not talk about this?" Louis said in a joking tone and I rolled my eyes hitting his arm. I'm lucky I didn't break my hand because wow, holy bicep.
We continued our conversation for a bit and finished eating, eventually leaving the restaurant. Louis claimed he had to get to work and bid us farewell, not without smoothly giving me his number first of course. When he was long out of sight and Andy and I were once again alone, we began squealing and jumping around in excitement.
   "Did you see that?!" I yelled out and Andy jumped up and down.
   "Yes! You guys are so cute I so ship it. I already started planning out your wedding." Andy exclaimed excitedly and I laughed, joining in on his jumping. Eventually we realized we were in a very public location and people were looking at us very weird so we skipped over to my car and went back to Andy's house.
   To both of our surprises, Micheal's car was parked outside of Andreas's house.
  "I didn't know you and Micheal were hanging out." I said, feeling guilty for taking Andy from his man.
  "Neither did I." He said, weirded out by the fact his boyfriend randomly showed up at his house.
   We got out of the car and Micheal mirrored our actions, walking over to us.
   "Hey babe." He said to Andy, kissing him passionately.
   "Hey." Andy said.
  "I don't mean to sound rude or anything because I love your company I really do, but what are you doing here?" He asked.
   "I wanted to make up for ditching you at the park last night so I came to pick you up but you weren't home so I figured I would just wait until you got back." He said, apparently seeing no problem in that plan.
  "Oh, I told you it's fine. Natasha and I have plans though and this is really sweet of you, but I'm already booked I'm sorry Micheal." Andreas said in a sad, guilty tone.
He hates letting people down and he hates saying no, the world really doesn't deserve this kid.
   Micheal took in the information and shot me a glare. I just raised my eyebrows and took a step closer to Andy. I wasn't about to back down, he didn't scare me.
   I should've backed down, I shouldn't have tried to get involved in their relationship. That was a dumb mistake on my part but I couldn't help it. I loved Andreas and I wasn't going to let this man boss him around.
   "I'm sorry." Andy said again and Micheal softened his glare to look at his boyfriend.
   "It's okay baby, next time then." He claimed, kissed Andreas's cheek, got in his car, and drove away.
   "Weird." I said as I began walking into Andy's house. Andreas made a noise of agreement and we headed inside to talk about anything and everything.

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