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   Andreas and I have a friendship like no other. Fate really did bring us together; we've only known each other for two years but we know everything about each other. We can't live without one another and being apart is a very difficult idea for us to grasp. The amount of love we have for one another is quite ironic, considering the rest of the world is so heartless. If only they could get just a drop of the love Andreas and I share for each other- maybe faith would be brought back to humanity, and maybe happiness wouldn't only be seen in dreams. Sometimes dreams are not meant to be lived though, sometimes they are just meant to be dreams.
   Andy's favorite life motto is, "Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words." He has this quote hung up in his room, pasted on his binder, written over and over on pieces of paper he hands in at school. He lives vicariously through this motto and strives on teaching others his ways and his dreams.
Boy is he a dreamer, the biggest dreamer I've ever met. He dreams of adventure and living life to the fullest, he dreams of space travel and roaming the forest with the dinosaurs, he dreams of true love and being happily married with children. He dreams of a future he cannot wait to pursue, he dreams up a life he imagines he's living.
   Andreas is quite simply a happy soul. He protrudes love whenever he goes and his happy go lucky energy is infectious. He views life through a rose-tinted lense, seemingly immune to seeing any bad around him.
I, on the other hand, do not view life in that way. I see the bad, I see the horrid intentions of some, I see the cruel reality of the society we're trapped in. Although reality was cruel and life was catastrophic, I found my happiness through Andy and he found his happiness through Micheal, which was a big mistake, but how were we supposed to know. I'm jumping ahead of myself again, for now all things are fantastic, life is as great as can be.
   I was standing in front of the movie theater, waiting patiently as Andy and Micheal were on their way. I was finally meeting the man who won over my best friends heart and I was very anxious. I heard a loud, "Natasha!!" from Andy and I looked up, seeing the happy couple in front of me holding hands and shuffling their feet as they approached me. I waved and Andy removed his hand from Micheal's to wave back, provoking a quick frown from his partner. Micheal's dissatisfaction was so quick that I truly believed I imagined it, so I brushed it off and they finally stood in front of me.
  "Natasha! This is Micheal, Micheal this is Natasha! Ahh my boyfriend and my best friend meeting at last, I'm so excited!!" Andy rambled on. I didn't have it in my heart to tell him they've only been dating for a short four days and "at last" wasn't the right wording so I just left it. I smiled at Micheal and shook his hand.    He was a nice looking man, his muscles were visible from under his tight shirt and his biceps flexed as he moved his arm to grab Andy's hand again. His eyes were comforting, almost inviting and his face was pulled in a tight structure, his jawline very visible on both sides of his figured face.
   Everything about him seemed perfect and I could see why Andreas had such an obsession with him. He had everything going for him: charm, charisma, looks, something seemed off though I just couldn't put my finger on it.
We headed into the movie theater and Andreas skipped excitedly next to me as him and Micheal conversed lightly. A smile adorned my face at Andy's excitement and I laughed along with him as he tripped and Micheal saved him at the last second.
   We got snacks and drinks and headed into the movie theater, getting seats right in the dead center of the theater. Andy and I cheered as previews for new movies we're anxious to see played and Micheal chuckled. Everything seemed truly great, Andreas and I were having our weird conversations as usual and Micheal chimed in from time to time, trying to stay caught up with our quick subject changing words.
   Halfway through the movie, Micheal dismissed himself for a phone call he insisted he couldn't miss. I looked at his phone as it rang and saw 'Unknown' flash across the screen. He quickly covered the name with his hand and shot me an expression I couldn't quite decipher. He rushed out of the theater and quickly answered the call, leaving Andy and I in the dust. He was probably gone for about fifteen minutes and apologized excessively for leaving. "Who was it?" Andreas curiously asked as Micheal locked his phone and put it in his pocket. "Oh, I uh I tried for this new job and they were just calling to tell me I got it." He said. "Oh my gosh that's so great, congratulations!!" Andy cheered, seeming to forget we were in a very populated movie theater and immediately got shushed by movie goers around us.
   I wish I could say I believed Micheal, but the hesitation in his voice made me think he was hiding something suspicious. I know it's not good to try and search for bad in people but I couldn't help it. If he was going to date my best friend then I had to make sure he was good enough to fill the position.
   He gave me a strange vibe, the type of vibe where you just know something isn't right but you can't quite figure out what it is. I wish I would have listened to my gut instinct but I ignored it because Andy was happy. If only I knew what type of heartache my ignorance would potentially cause, if only I opened my mouth and admitted how I felt.
When we left the movies, Micheal claimed he had to get to work right away so I gave Andreas a ride home. I held my tongue and didn't mention any of my strange feelings towards his new boyfriend. I sat listening as he poured out his emotions and admirations towards Micheal and cooed and awed as he explained how much he adored the man.
   Oh how I wish I wasn't such a coward, how I wish I would've said how I felt. We can't turn back time though, our life paths are set out for us since birth and in that very moment I wasn't meant to say any bad things about Micheal. I wasn't meant to crush Andreas's dreams. I wish I had, but wishing gets you nowhere when it's too late.
   I dropped Andy off at home and headed back to my house. I was in a daze. I didn't want to feel such suspicious feelings towards Micheal, hell I just wanted Andreas to be happy and Micheal obviously did that for him so why couldn't I be satisfied?
   I slammed on my breaks and abruptly stopped when I witnessed a dark figure beating ruthlessly on a man. He was in all black and the man laying on the ground was holding his hands in front of his face, begging for the figure above him to stop. The man in all black heard my car stop and quickly ran away. I ran over to the man on the ground and he stared at me with a fearful expression, his face full of blood and bruises. I helped him up and he quickly backed away.
  "You're one of them." He kept repeating over and over.
  "Get away, you're one of them." I just shook my head and slowly stepped closer to him.  
   "Listen, I don't know who 'they' are and I don't know why I'm apparently one of them, but I think your nose is broken and you're losing a lot of blood please let me take you to the hospital." He seemed scared and somewhat anxious but he finally agreed and got in my car.
He still seemed to believe I was 'one of them,' so he didn't talk much on the drive, but I did get his name. Well, maybe. I'm not sure. He could have gave me a fake name but I'm just going to take his word for it. He said his name was Louis and whether it was true or not really didn't concern me in that moment, he was bleeding excessively out of his nose and I really didn't want his blood all over my car.
   I got a good look at him when I dropped him off at the hospital and he was a fairly attractive man. Behind the blood and bruising I could see that he had dark orange surfer hair and gorgeous green eyes. His body was muscular and very proportionate. I'll bet he had abs, he seems like the type of guy to have abs.
   I dropped him off and he limped inside, leaving me with nothing more than a "thanks."
Once again, people are cruel and they do cruel things. I didn't ask any questions, Louis didn't seem like he wanted to talk anyway. I desperately wanted to know what he did to deserve that and who did it to him, but he wouldn't tell me regardless of how much I begged. Little did I know that Louis would soon become very important to my life and very important to the awful chain of events I was entering. Ha, I was so naive, if only I knew.

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