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   The rest of the weekend flew by and before I could even process everything that had happened, I was back at school dreading every moment.
   A big problem Andy and I constantly deal with is feeling like we're stuck in a cycle where every single day feels the same and we do the same things everyday and talk to the same people everyday, it gets extremely boring.
To solve our extremely boring pattern, we decided to completely change our walking path during lunch. We went through buildings and saw parts of the school we've never seen before, we needed change and boy did we find it.
We were walking through a hallway upstairs when a familiar raspy voice yelled out,  
   "Natasha, Andreas!" We turned around and none other than Louis Kingman was standing behind us.
   So I did some research and ended up finding his social media and there's a possibility I stalked all of his family members and viewed every picture he's in, but I'm not crazy he's just very hot.
   "Louis! I didn't know you went here." I said, shocked. Truthfully I did know he went to our school and I was very aware of where he would be but he didn't need to know that.
  "Yeah! I transferred here last year, I didn't know you went here." He said.
   "Yeah I've been here since freshman year, wow small world!" I faked excitement. Long story short, Andy and I hung out with him for the rest of lunch and he ended up asking me on a date Thursday night.
   To say I was excited is an understatement. I couldn't stop thinking about that date. When I got home from school I started planning outfits and choosing makeup to wear. I planned out my hairstyle, nails, jewelry, everything. I just had to wait two more days and I would be able to go on the date of my dreams with the man of my dreams. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a date in my life, I don't think I've ever been this excited for anything in my life.
I wish I would have properly prepared, I wish I could have put two and two together before it was too late. For how much excitement I had for that date, the end result was truly ironic. I never expected the date of my life to end in such a tragic result, I never saw it coming. Life is funny isn't it? You spend so much time and thought on one simple event or day that you think will be nothing less than amazing but it becomes just the opposite. I'm saying too much too soon though, one word of advice I can give is always follow your gut feeling, no matter what.
   Tuesday dragged on as I sat waiting anxiously in class for lunch. Even though I knew Louis was just as interested in me as I was in him, I still couldn't believe any of it was real. I couldn't believe how I had found him and how quickly I fell for him. I couldn't believe how attractive he was and how obsessed I was with him. It was all so surreal.
   Louis ended up not being at school on Tuesday. He texted me and said he'll explain later so I just left it, but Andy had a strange conversation with me so it's not like nothing happened during my day. Andreas was acting like he knew something I didn't.
   "Natasha this is going to sound crazy but my Andy senses are tingling and I don't think you should go on that date on Thursday." He said as we walked to the lunch tables. I gave him a weird look because, truthfully, part of me felt the same way but my excitement and lust pretty much made up my mind for me. I remained silent, lost in my thoughts, and Andy commented again.
  "Nat please don't go, I have a weird feeling please just stay home." He pleaded and I shook his pleas away.
   "What do you know that you're not telling me?" I asked, suspicious he was keeping something huge from me.
   "What-uh nothing. I wouldn't keep something big away from you, you know that. Please just don't go." Andreas said again, but of course I didn't listen.
   "What do you mean something big? I just asked what you know, I never said it was something major. Andy please just tell me." I said in a somewhat angry tone and he just sighed.
  "I can't. I'm sorry. I promised Micheal I wouldn't tell. But this has nothing to do with that I just feel strange about Thursday, please don't go." He begged. Now, with anger running through my veins, I really didn't listen to him.
  "If you're not going to tell me what you know then why should I listen to you?" I said and he groaned.
  "Nat I can't tell you but that's not even important right now. Just please don't go." He said, becoming more loud and direct with his words. I shook my head and luckily, thanks to great timing, the bell rang. I stormed off to class with no intention of waiting for Andy.
I wish I would have listened. I wish I would have believed Andy's words. He knows so much about me and he's typically right pretty much all the time. I wish I would have got my stubborn self to believe him. He was right, I was being dumb not to believe him. But sometimes we realize our mistakes when it's too late, when we cannot take them back, no matter how badly we wish we could.

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