Chapter 1

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"Can we go please?" A female voice begged. The girl asking was 17 year old Michelle Conners. She stood at 5 feet even, had blond hair that went to her lower back, bright blue eyes and the body of an average girl. She wasn't fat but she wasn't to skinny. "And why do you wanna go?" A male voice asked. The male voice belonging to her elder brother Kyuubi. He had blood red hair that was spiked up in all different directions. He had reddish brown eyes and stood at 6 feet 6 inches, He was almost as big as a linebacker but not overly gross. "Its Skillet. Please, please, please?" Skillet was her all time favorite band and his also.

Kyuubi rolled his eyes and gave a sigh. "Fine." She squealed and hugged him as best as she could. "Thank you, you won't regret it." She told him. "Come on let's go before mom and dad find out." The two got ready quickly and headed out.

~After the concert~

"That was amazing!" Michelle hollered in excitement. Her brother Just chuckled at her. "Ok I admit, it was pretty cool." Michelle gave him a large smile. "So where now?" She asked as they came up to a light that was green. "Oh no, we are going home, it's late and you have school in the morning." He said. Michelle opened her mouth to reply but her eyes got wide as a truck ran a red light and hit her brothers side of the car.

The car hit sending the car her and her brother were in skidding across the street and into the ditch. Darkness came over her.

Slowly blinking her eyes open Michelle slowly took in her surroundings. She was in the car with her brother. Gasping she turned to look at him when her breath froze and so did she. Kyuubi lay half in and out of the windshield. Pushing the car door open and falling out, She could hear the sirens in the background. "Kyuubi?" Michelle said touching his cheek. His eyes were open but glazed over. "You can't leave me." She told him then darkness took over her.


Officer Dimitri Wolf got a call about a drunk driver running a red light and hitting a car. Him and his partner and also Beta Jeremy Jones or called Jj took the call and headed over to the scene. Getting there they found the drunk driver in handcuffs and sitting on the side of the road and a man sticking out of a windshield and a girl passed out on the grass next to the car with her leg bloody. His wolf Constintine was getting restless but he couldn't understand why. Him and Jj headed over to the other cops that were there. As they were talking a fire truck and ambulance pulled up. They got the guy out of the windshield and pronounced him dead, and when they reached for the girl they said, "She's alive." Dimitri watched as they loaded her on a stretcher and hauled her in along with her brother. *Follow them.* His wolf said. "Lets go." He said to Jj and they both took off towards the hospital.

A/n: Dimitri is 6 feet tall 7 inches, with black hair and black eyes, build muscular but not grossly. Jj is an inch shorter and light brown hair and green eyes. I hate writing what they look like during the story cause I think it takes to much time. But on another note, hope you enjoy.

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