|| Chapter 1 ||

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The Principal Hissed quietly in frustration as he pushed aside the paperwork.

"Damn him." He Mumbled, half to himself. "Why did he leave, why did he kill that student."

"Don't beat yourself up." Arts and Crafters piped up quietly. "A lot of us didn't... know."

"But Sweep did. Sweep hid those photos from me." The Principal brushed his hair back slightly. "How are the preparations for the pep rally."

"They're going good, sir. Are you sure you want to hold the pep rally, even after what happened?" Arts and Crafters added nervously.

The Principal paused. "There's going to be an addition to the pep rally for Player in honor of their life. We are still calling it an attempted suicide."

Arts and Crafters listened quietly. "But are you sure their parents believe that it is an attempted suicide, let alone that their child would even be capable of doing something like that?"

"At the moment, Police believe it was a science experiment gone wrong because it was in Mr. Scope's room." The Principal replied softly. Mr. Scope was the new Science teacher, so Mr. Baldi didn't have to rush around doing all the work. Mr. Scope was pretty much in Mr. Baldi's spot, however. Mr. Scope was simply a Microscope with a lab jacket slung on. He made science puns, and helped out students with whatever they need. "But they also agree that it could have been a suicide attempt."

"Let's hope Mr. Baldi is OK..." Arts and Crafters whimpered. "He was a pretty... alright guy."

"Knowing Mr. Baldi, I'm sure he's doing fine." The Principal replied, opening a folder and pointing at one of the pictures from the security cameras. "How did these get deleted?"

"I'm not sure, Sir. Mr. Baldi might have hacked into the security cameras and deleted the information recorded of the slaughters." Arts and Crafters stammered.

The Principal hummed. "Quite a smart thing to do if he doesn't want to get caught." He closed it and stood up. "Thank you for the help, Arts and Crafters. I'm sure to notify you if anything else comes up."

"For the pep rally, sir?" Arts and Crafters scoots along beside him.

"Yes, But also the security. Tell me if you ever see Mr. Baldi." The Principal leaves the room, not waiting for the response back. The Principal had to do a lot of things planned out on his schedule. First, of course, was patrolling the halls.

He walked past Mr. Scope's room, and noticed the security tape around it. The Principal sighed heavily and continued walking, crossing his arms as he shook his head. Baldimore is a killer? I never would have guessed, though he does give off vibes of being sadistic. A shiver ran down his spine. Why does he make this feel kinky. I shouldn't be drooling over him because of this new information!

The Principal entered the cafeteria, met by a ramble of words. He stood at the entrance for a second, watching all the innocent children eat and laugh. Then, he turned and left the cafeteria. The Principal wandered down the halls more, sighing softly.

"Gotta, Sweep Sweep Sweep!" Shouted a familiar voice.

A broom almost collided with the Principal, earning an annoyed yelp. "Watch out, Sweep!" The Principal huffed. "Can you not see I'm walking?"

Sweep tried to nod. "Yes, I did! Sorry, I wanted an excuse to come near you and talk to you."

"Why so?" The Principal arched a brow.

"Well, Bully said that he saw The bald guy in his room! Or at least he saw movement. Do you think it's him? He's the only one who can enter the room!"

The Principal's heart lifted. "I'll definitely look. Thank you. Oh, and, Sweep." He paused and glanced at the broom, who looked ready to burst.

"You never said anything, nor has Bully, correct?" The Principal asked softly. "About-"

"About The Information And death of Player. No, I haven't. And I'll make sure Bully does as well!" The Broom squeaks. "Thanks! Gotta Sweep Sweep sweep away!" With that, he went off.

The Principal rushes towards Baldi's room, knocking on the door. When he got no response, He frowned, used his own keys to jiggle open the door, then slammed it open.


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