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Get out while you still can.

Mr. Baldi sighed as he rested his head against the wall. His eyes were half closed as he listened to Sweep take a shower in the thin walled bathroom, breathing lightly with annoyance. However, he stayed quiet. This hotel needs to get better bathrooms. Mr. Baldi thought, his lips forming into a frown. I miss Prince.

"Whoah, Baldi! There's a red faucet! I'm going to- OW BALDI IT HURTS!" Sweep's voice raised in the bathroom, making Mr. Baldi roll his eyes. The former broom did not shower, so of course he doesn't know that there's a faucet to heat up the water. Of course, Mr. Baldi would have came in to help Sweep get the water back to a more soothing temperature, however he did not want to get up.
Sweep can live with it.

Mr. Baldi pressed his lips softly together and propped himself against the wall. What if I were to speak to Prince. He would hate me for seeing what I have done. Would he still... like me? Mr. Baldi rubbed his forehead. This is too much thinking for me after I had sex. I'm still a bit horny and Sweep is not helping when he's in the shower.

Mr. Baldi pushes himself off the wall and sat on the edge of the bed. Speaking of Sweep....

The bathroom door opened on cue, and the former broom was dressed in his janitors outfit again once more, of course looking a bit pissed and in pain. "That hurts."

"It's called a burn, Sweepell. Of course It's going to hurt." Mr. Baldi chuckled, moving to the side of the bed and motioning that they need to talk.

Sweep sat down, pulling his slightly wet hair into a sloppy ponytail. "What's going on?" He murmurs, quirking a brow at Mr. Baldi.

"I can't stop thinking about Prince, Sweep. I'm worried, I've been getting this nightmare of him... dying. That this guy that I don't recall shot him. I couldn't move, you weren't there. It was white with red, only when the bullet went into Prince..."

Sweep paused. "I'm sure it was just a nightmare. I mean, I've had nightmares before that you were going to replace me with a vacuum."

"I had the discussion with Prince, He said no."

"Cheers to you too. But I'm sure it was just nightmares simply because you miss him a lot." Sweep rubbed the back of his head. "I... guess you can get nightmares when you're scared of losing someone, and you're nervous about Prince being mad and breaking up with you after this."

Mr. Baldi hesitated. "I am."

"Then that's probably the reason. You're scared." Sweep chuckled softly. "I'm no good at this type of stuff."

Mr. Baldi chuckled and gently ruffled his hair, making Sweep yelp in annoyance. "I just brushed that!"

Someone knocked at the door.

"It's probably the pizza I ordered!" Sweep cheered and bolted to the door, leaving Mr. Baldi to himself.

When did he order pizza... and with who's money?! That broom is going to pay if the pizza does not taste good. Mr. Baldi thought with a huff. Though Sweep is right, maybe I'm just panicking about seeing the Principal. I mean, I miss him so much. I just want to...

Mr. Baldi paused. ... What am I thinking? He probably does hate me, though he has every right to do so. I would hate me too if I killed a child. He deserves so much better. The Math Teacher cursed softy. Though I would give him one last hug...


Mr. Baldi froze, his world stilled with fear. Prince.

How did he find me? Sweep. That fucking bastard set me up, he wanted me to trust him until he gets the Principal over here to tell me he hates me. I knew his plan all along. He's a traitor.

"We were worried sick about you and Sweepell." The Principal's voice wavered. "You never contacted me, nor did Sweepell. But you didn't have a phone to do so."

Mr. Baldi winced at that part, turning around to glance at the Principal. "How did you find me?"

"Easy, Filename2 hacked the phone to get us the coordinates using a photo you took. It took us a while, but I see you've been having fun with Sweepell." The Principal's voice hardened from his calm, monotoned one.

Mr. Baldi stiffened. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You had sex with Sweepell."

Mr. Baldi stood up. "How the hell did you know that?"

The Principal waved the phone. "You took pictures." His voice was a chilling growl. "Of course, I could give a damn about them. You cheated on me."

"Prince, Sweepell and I were-" Mr. Baldi tried, but the Principal interrupted.

"Don't you dare give me that crap. 'Sweepell and I were curious?' Is that what you were going to say? I stayed loyal to you, so what makes you think you can go with anyone you want!"

"Oh, don't give me that bull crap." Mr. Baldi Snapped this time, startling the Principal. "Sweepell told me about your goo-goo eyes with Filename2- whatever that person is. Tell me, did you two Fuck?"

The Principal stiffened and fell silent. "... No." He uttered.

"You're a terrible liar."

"And you're a terrible boyfriend."

"So are you."

"You're lucky I'm not Filename2." The Principal Snapped. "He's pissed off at Sweepell right now, and they're probably in a much worse conversation than we are-"

Mr. Baldi growled lowly. "What the hell is he doing to Sweepell?" He stood up fully. "Tell me."

"He's probably getting beaten up, for all I care." The Principal snarled. "We're talking about us, not Sweepell and Filename2."

"Well I fucking care for Sweepell, Okay? Much more than a petty person who just blames people on the spot just because they saw this! You fucked Filename2, do you see me bashing you for it? No! Because we both cheated." Mr. Baldi shouted. "You're right, Sweepell and I had sex. He and I were drunk."

The Principal growled lowly. "I don't believe you."

"Let me through so I could check on Sweepell."

"Why don't you date him while you're at it."

The Math teacher growled lowly. "Can you stop with that? Sweepell could be getting hurt while we're talking about something this stupid. You cheated, and I cheated. Great. But a life is worth more than a relationship." Mr. Baldi tried to get through again, but the Principal stopped him.

"I'll make you a deal, Baldimore." The Principal Growled. "You can go and help Sweepell with whatever's going on, or you can stay in a relationship with me."

"You're making me choose?" Mr. Baldi's voice roughened.

"Sweepell or me." The Principal's dark eyes gleamed. "You're losing one either way."

Mr. Baldi's heart stopped. Sweepell is obviously getting hurt, physically. The Principal made it clear. Either have someone killed over a broken relationship, or have no relationship. The Principal made it clear that the relationship was on a thin string.

Mr. Baldi knew what to choose.

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