|| Chapter 8 ||

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"Was I too harsh on Sweep?"

The Principal Mumbled. "It's been a few hours and we haven't seen him."

"I'm sure he'll finish sulking soon." Filename2 murmurs, taking a banana and inspecting it. "Why? Are you worried?"

"Of course I'm worried. Sweep is a good friend of mine, even after what he did." The Principal replied. "I was too upset to think straight... which I regret. I should have just talked to him."

Filename2 snorts. "I guess I shouldn't have called him a slut-"

"You what ?"

"It doesn't matter. At least to you, anyways." Filename2 turned away, his head turning away. "I regret speaking to him the way I did. And treating him like that."

The Principal took a deep breath. "You did something to Sweepell. But right now, it doesn't matter. What if he did something regretful?"

"He doesn't seem like that type of guy. I would have suspected Baldi to be more like that, but not Sweepell." Filename2 replies. "Why are you so concerned for him?"

"I'm concerned for him and Baldi. They were people I've known forever, and I can't lose them both." The Principal sighed heavily and arched a brow. "Are you concerned?"


The Principal's breath hitched. "Why not?"

"Because they're not close to me. I have no fears for them whatsoever because I have no feelings for them. I have no feelings in general. I am just a simple glitch In reality," Filename2 leaned in close, so The Principal could feel his breath hot on his ear "I was never supposed to be born."

Never supposed to be born...

The Principal clicked his tongue. "Why?"

"I was a mistake."

"I... I don't understand."

"You will someday." Filename2 bent over, picking up a dropped wallet filled with credit card numbers and personal ids. "He actually had hair? What a guy."

"Y-Yes. He had hair, but-"

Filename2 snorts and straightens. "Stress?"


"Oh..." Filename2's smirk fell, and he blinked. "I'm.. sorry for him."

The Principal smiled weakly. "He's a strong person. I just wish he can talk to me about... murdering someone."

Filename2 stared at The Principal, before sighing. "Not everything ends with a happy ending. Remember?"

The Principal bit his bottom lip. "I... suppose." He murmurs. "Whatever, Right now we need to think about school. What are we going to do without a teacher and janitor?" He Demanded.

"Mr. Scope and I got this." Filename2 replied. "I'll help him teach and you can clean the school as you moderate. Give those two time to think. Besides."
Filename2 places a hand on The Principal's shoulder.

"I'm sure they're not doing anything that bad."

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