Idea Of Awesomeness

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When I awoke at noon the next morning Becca was still sound asleep beside me. I poked her in the arm a few times to see if I could wake her. But to no avail the beast still slumbers.

“Becca? Bec? Beccaroni?” I whisper yell into her ear and all she does is turn in her what seems like a never ending sleep.

When I am about to start tickling her an idea of awesome comes into my brilliant mind. I jump off of my bed and go into my en suite bathroom and grab a cup that happens to be on my counter. I fill the cup with water and at the moment I turn the water off I realize that if I pour the water on her I will just end up with a wet bed.

Still keeping the cup in my hand I sneak over to the side of the bed she is sleeping on. I stick my fingertips into the cold water and I do the only thing I can think of at the moment.

I flick water in her face.

But once apparently wasn’t enough because she doesn’t as so much flinch when the water makes contact with her skin.





I set the cup down on my nightstand and jump on my bed to where I am standing above her. When I begin to jump Becca finally flutters opens her eyes and yes I did just say flutter like seriously she was acting like she was a princess who just got kissed by a prince.

“Would you stop that jumping I am trying to sleep here.” She mumbles into the pillow her face is currently buried in.

“Never! HAHA!” I continue to jump until she finally sits up to acknowledge the rest of the world.

“Fine. It looks like I am going to just join you.” She says with a smirk on her face as she stands up with me on the bed.

So now we are both jump jumping on my bed like three year olds.

“Why haven’t we done this before?” she asks while we are both laughing.

“I have no I idea but I feel like we should of.” I say as I lose my footing by getting tripped by the covers.

“AHH!” I scream as I am about to fall off my bed and unto my head.

“SAGE!!!” Becca scream but it is like she is miles away from me cause her voice seems so far away.

There is no time to brace for the impact so all I do is close my eyes and hope it doesn’t hurt.

But the impact never happens.

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