Can I Ask A Favor?

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One thing I did not know about Becca is that she had one heck of a pair of lungs in that miniscule body of hers.

“SHUT UP! WOULD YA?” I screamed as I put my hands up to block the sound from my sensitive ears. I may or may not be deaf now.

                She shut up after hearing my voice. “SAGE?!?” she says or more yells as she jumps off the bed and comes to my side hugging me.

                “OMG! Are you okay?!? I thought you were going to die of a broken neck!” she cries into my shoulder.

                “Uh the real question is are you okay?” I asked as I tried to pry her off my shoulder but she had a death grip on me.

                I decided when I saw that boy jump out of my window and fly away that I would keep what I had just witnessed to myself.

                “Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked with a slight sniffle.

                “Well you were kinda busting my eardrums with those lungs you have.” I said like it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.

                “Oh! Haha! Well this is awkward. Who do you think heard me?” she said with a cringe.

                “Probably China. Russia. International Space Station.” I said as serious as possible put failed when I chuckled at the end. Becca punched me in the arm when she heard my laughter.

                “You are such a Flicker!” she yelled at me.

                “What in the world is a ‘Flicker’?” I asked while still laughing.

                “You know that I don’t like to curse!” she said while trying to push me over. “Oh I remember why I came here last night. I must ask you a very important question.” She said while getting up and walked over to the same window the mystery boy who I have decided to call ‘Bob’ until I know his actual name.

                “And that would be?” I urged as I also got up to sit on my bed.

                “You know how I hired that private investigator last year?” she said while not making any eye contact whatsoever. You see that last year she knew she probably would not get adopted at the age of seventeen so she had saved up money from the job she works at after school and on the weekends that she just recently quit from. So with that money she hired a private investigator to see if he could find any trace of family that she might have. So now I am scared for what she was about to say.

                “Yeah? What’s going on Bec? You are starting to scare me.” I said while grabbing a pillow only to hug it like a teddy bear.

                “Well he sent me a letter a couple of days ago.” She said with a shaky voice that I have never heard her use before. “He said he has found almost everyone.”

                “So like Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents??” I asked without knowing what the outcome would be.

                “Yep. He found out my parents didn’t want a girl so that was there excuse to give me up but the thing is I still just want to meet them. All of them.” She said with a certain fire burning in her eyes.

                “Where do they live? No matter what you know that I would help you in anyway.” I said getting up to give her a huge hug.

                “That’s the thing I wanted to ask you. You see I found out they all live in different states. The farthest being California.” She said with the puppy eyes that could make even the most hateful person turn into the most generous person.

                “So you want me to go with you to meet your family?” I asked with an uncertainty in my voice that showed how nervous I was in the situation.

                “Sage, I just want to ask if you, me, and John could go see if we can meet them?” she said still looking at me with those puppy eyes. You see John was Becca’s boyfriend since the 8th grade. Crazy Right?   But they were still going strong and still happily in love.

                “Bec no offense but that idea is c. r. a. z. y. It is June almost July. And College starts at the end of August. Do you think we will have enough time to get from the eastern most part of the US to the west in a month and a half?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" She asked as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger.

Oh dear lord help me with this girl.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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