When Time Stands Still

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Before I could even get two feet from the ground the world around me seemed to slow down to where it looked as if someone made a slow motion portion of an action film.

                I felt my body get picked up as if a person was already standing beside my bed ready for me to fall.

I expected to see someone I knew standing there but what I didn’t expect was there to be a person wearing a hoodie and sweatpants who happened to have what appeared to have wings growing out of their back.

                As I got out of their arms I turned to see a boy who be not much older than 20 standing there with a worried expression on his face.

                “Are you alright?” his voice was deep yet smooth and I made eye contact for the first time and my reply got stuck in my throat.

                His eyes.

                They were not blue or sliver or white but a mixture of all three. They were a baby blue with the shine of sliver and was surrounded with a thin ring of the deepest purple I have ever seen.

                “I,I,I” was all I could manage to stutter out of my pathetic mouth.

                I advise you to lie down you may be in shock.” He said with the most concern a person or whatever he was could have said it with.

                I didn’t even say anything I just nodded while not looking away from his eyes. He put a hand on the small of my back and led me to the other side of the bed. Time still seemed to be at a standstill because Becca still had a look of terror on her face looking at the place where I was falling to my doom.

                I sat down on the bed Indian style. His wings or whatever were on his back seemed to have disappeared but his eyes still shone like mini fluorescent light bulbs.

                “Who are you?” I finally mustered the courage to say.

                “I am nobody.” He said with a look of complete seriousness. but all this succeeded in doing is confusing me more.

                “But how did you get in my room?” I asked because there is no way anyone could get into my house unless my mom let him in. But I highly doubt that.

                “You ask way to many questions." He said with a small smile.

                "I have to get going.” He said as he walked to the open window I have now just noticed. I get up to follow him to ask more questions but before I can he turns around and puts his hands on my shoulders.

                “I will be back later it may not be for a while but I will be back. I promise. Until then just keep your questions to yourself and act like none of this happened.” He said as he let go of my shoulders to walk to the window. He put his foot at the base of the window appearing as to about to jump.

                “Wait! You just can’t jump out of a two story window!” I half yelled half whispered to him.

He smirked at me. “You may want to stand back.” He said and as I made my way backwards toward the bed he just smiled at me as the wings I saw before appeared from his back.

                “What the…?” I gasped as I saw they were at least 12 feet across but the color was just as unique as his eyes.

Black. Pitch Black.

When looked at in different spots they had a purple-ish tint to them.

The two colors I thought would have the some contrast looked so beautiful on the feathers of his wings.

                “You may or may not want to go act as if you caught yourself on the floor or else she may ask how you teleported over here.” He said as if it were a joke but I did as he said and made it appear as if I had landed on my butt. “Okay well I will take my leave now.” He said as he jumped out of the window I watched as he flew away with the grace of a bird.

He never looked back once.

What the heck just happened? Was all I could think but that was soon dismissed as a blood curdling scream reached my ears.

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