Loves a strong word, use it wisely.
My girlfriend and I say I love you to each other and we mean it. If you don't mean it, then you shouldn't say it.•If you don't mean it and your partner does, you should tell them. The longer you keep playing them the more it will hurt.
•if your partner says it and you suspect they don't mean it, sit down and have a talk to them. Talking to them is the best this you can do for your relationship, so talk it out. Communication is the key to any relationship.
•if none of you mean it, I think it's time to break up. You both don't love/like each other and you say you do, you're lying to yourself and your partner. You might want to consider ending the relationship or taking a break.
Kat out *drops mic*Sooo, just some advice. Everything is fine with my girlfriend and I, don't worry. That all I have now. Kat out.
Btw, if you want any sort of advice just dm me.