Chapter 2

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"You're fight is not over Clarke!" Lexa yelled as she stuck her swords into two of her opponents chests

"Lexa" Clarke whimpered loud enough for Lexa to hear

Lexa turned to Clarke and flashed her small dark smile. Her forest green eyes met ocean blue ones and winked before continuing to take out the group of Clarkes attacker's. She jumped and thrust both her swords into the last citizen midair. She stood up and looked at Clarke, who looked back. Lexa sheathed her swords and ran to Clarke. She kneeled down in front of her. Clarkes hands shot up and cupped Lexa's cheeks, mindful of Lexa's black war paint that she had missed so much. "It's really you" She said between light sobs.

Clarke's arms wrapped around Lexa's waist as she did the same and they held each other in a tight embrace. Clarke let the tears stream down her cheeks. "shhh it is okay, i told you my spirit would protect you" Lexa whispered into Clarkes ear. At that, Clarke let out a small smile. "I never- thought i'd- see you again" She panted. "Our fight is not over Clarke, can you stand?" Clarke nodded.

Lexa's hand slid behind her arm around her shoulders and supported Clarke's weight as she helped her get up and quickly start sprinting.

Lexa had missed Clarke so much. She missed those blue eyes and that blond hair. She died for Clarke and she would do it a million times over if that meant she was protecting Clarke. But now the blonde was right here next to her, with her arm around her shoulders. Lexa's eyes teared up as well. She knew and had just proved that even after death she would still continue to protect Clarke like she had since the very beginning.

Lexa was pulled away from her thoughts as Clarke whimpered in pain and fell to the floor. Lexa quickly took Clarke into her lap. About two seconds later Clarke lost consciousness and started seizing. "Clarke!" Lexa yelled and cupped Clarkes face. She didn't know what to do or was happening back in the real world...

Meanwhile back on the ground...

"Abby! Abby get over here right now" Murphy yelled. He was standing over Ontari's unconscious body who was now shaking on the table. "Her heart is stopping" Abby said with fear in her voice. Ontari was still connected to Clarke by a tube giving Clarke the night blood, "if Ontari dies Clarke won't get night blood and without it the Flame will melt her brain." She said.

Abby ran to her medical kit and pulled out a big piece of equipment that was used to pry the body open. "Ohhh I'm not gonna like this am I" Murphy said.

Abby made a big, deep vertical incision over where Ontari's heart was and placed the piece of equipment in the space holding the skin and ribs apart. Clarke had started foaming at the mouth now that the night blood wasn't flowing into her. Abby watched her daughter in horror and quickly yelled for Murphy. "Come here, you need to pump Ontari's heart for her or Clarke dies" Murphy had a disgusted look on his face but didn't protest. Abby put his hand in the right place on Ontari's heart and he started squeezing her heart to increase the blood flow back to Clarke. It was working.

Back in the City of light...

"Clarke!" Lexa yelled again, Clarke's head was still cupped in her hands while her unconscious body was violently shaking. "Clarke stay with me! Clarke!". All of a sudden the shaking stopped and Clarke's blue eyes fluttered open. She slowly sat up. And there was Lexa staring back at her. She looked into her dark beautiful green eyes and without hesitation her lips met Lexa's fuller ones in a long chaste kiss. This time the kiss was full of need and longing for one another. At that moment she realized Lexa was not just her lover, she had also become Clarkes home.

The kiss became longer and a bit more passionate as their tongues danced together. When they finally pulled apart Lexa's hand rose up and pushed Clarke's hair behind her ear. "We have to keep moving, the Flame provides some protection but less and less. They'll be here soon again" Clarke nodded "Can you stand?" She asked again. "I think so" Clarke replied. They stood up.

"We have to find Becca's lab and shut ALLIE down" Lexa nodded and agreed. "I know where to go, Becca showed me the way" Lexa said. "Then lets go".

Andddd here's chapter 2, im having a really fun time writing this so i hope y'all like it so far! And don't worry about Lexa dying bc there's will be none of that

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