Everything goes wrong

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Animetrash9000 is to blame for this idea 😂, I am going to try to make it angsty- I hope I get it right. Hopefully the characters aren't ooc..


     Connor stood beside you, watching as Hank tried to get the deviant to speak, but to no prevail. He left, and came back into the room with  Gavin, Chris, Hank, and yourself. Gavin wanted to get to the android, try to rough him up. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his solution. Connor spoke up, and offered to speak to the deviant. "I think that might work." You smile at his direction, causing him to automatically smile back. You could hear Hank whispering,'what else do we have to lose...' You watched as Connor walked into the interrogation room.
     As he looked at himself in the mirror, you chuckle nervously when Hank questions on what he was doing. At first he was calm, then he started getting more - violent; he was yelling about being stabbed twenty-eight times as the deviant pleaded for him to stop. Finally the android told Connor what he needed, a wave of relief washed over you as he went to leave the room. Suddenly the deviant smashes into the table, leaving blue blood on it's forehead.
     You all ran into the room, Chris trying to stop the android from destroying itself. Unlocking the cuffs from the deviant's wrist had to have been the worst decision, because the android grabbed the officer's gun, pulled the trigger in your  direction, and then shot himself.
     The warm feeling that was expect ed never came. That made you realize that someone else was not as lucky. Regretting turning around the moment you looked, Connor was on the floor, a hole between his eyes. Nothing came out of you mouth as you landed on your knees beside his body. Silence fell on everyone in the room as a pool of blue blood surrounded where he laid.


      You happened to be in at Carl's house the night the incident happened. Carl had invited you over after the cocktail party, and you gladly accepted. "That was the most boring party I have ever been to in the past 25 years. Every time I go to one of these I ask myself: what on earth am I doing here?" You chuckled at the man's comment. He was always such a happy camper wasn't he? " I hate cocktail parties.. "
      Markus hangs your coat out for you, a gentle smile made its way to his face hearing you laugh. " Well, it's a chance for all those people who admire your work to meet you. " "No one cares about the arts, they just care about how much money they can make off of them..." The android goes behind Carl and grabs a hold of his wheelchair, slowly pushing him along, you walking a little closer to Markus.
      "Scotch, neat, as usual?" The man agrees, then turns his head in your direction. "Do you want something to drink (y/n)?" You shake your head slightly, "Oh no thank you. I'm fine." You sit down across from Carl, as he looks to his right, a weird look on his face. " Did you leave the lights on in the studio? " Markus puts the bottle down, tells how he couldn't have. Carl tells Markus to call the police, you standing up from your spot, Markus tells you to stay behind him as he goes to check.
        Turns out it was just Leo, being the little prick he was, looking over at paintings. One thing lead to another, and before you realized what was happening, Leo starts hitting Markus, Carl commanding him to stop. Carl bent down, clutching his side, and told me to go outside and get the police in the studio.
     You ran as fast as your stiletto heels could let you, the shouting getting more intense. Soon the police came, and ran inside. As soon as you made it back, Carl was on the floor, Markus' was crying, his hands up in the air, as Leo says, "He did it, it was the android." Your eyes met with Markus, before a deafening shot was fired.


     With every meet up, you and Kara seem to get closer to each other. She was always happy speaking to you, and your time together became more frequent. Alice got used to seeing you, and turned out to be just as sweet and nice as she looked. You enjoyed hanging with both of them, it was the highlight of your day.
     All was going so well, at least that is what you believed at the time. One day they never came, which didn't bother you because they could have been busy, but it have you a weird feeling of being stood up inside. You knew you were being ridiculous, but the days started to add up to weeks, and it really tore you apart.
     Night came and you were trying to decide whether or not to just stop acting so desperate, it wasn't in your control so why get so upset? Your heart nearly burst at the sight before you, Kara and Alice were quickly walking into a 7/11. Walking- better yet running- after the two, you made it up to the door but stopped in your tracks. Is she literally robbing the place right now?? Kara, the sweet android you thought you knew had a gun pointed at the cashier.
       She looked like she was in a horrible condition,ripped pieces of clothing hung on her, and Alice was just looking around the store. You quickly back up, and sprint in the opposite direction, the horrible feeling in your chest before, seemed to multiply with every step you took.


     Staying home, while watching tv and eating (f/f) had to have been the best night, in your opinion. No one judges you on how you eat too loud, or how your favorite pjs and messy hair made you look homeless. Your house was your castle, and you'd rule it the way you wanted to.
      At the moment, you were watching (f/tv show), a mountain of blankets piled on top of you. You were so relaxed and happy, that is until you phone start to ring, and left it on full volume, it almost scaring the daylight out of you. Hitting silent on the remote, you quickly picked up the phone, seeing that it was Hank, your neighbor that you have known for almost a year now.
      "Hey Han-" You were caught off by the male blabbering nonsense on the other line. "Woah, woah Hank calm down I can't understand what you are saying.." It took a moment before the lieutenant spoke again. "Pl..please come to the hospital.. It's Cole,(y/n) please." Was all he could say before his voice cracked again, as if he had been crying for sometime. "I'm on my way Hank."
       You didn't think twice before turning your tv off, and jumping out of you spot on the couch. You can to your bedroom, grabbed a coat, a hairbrush and your keys . Running to your car, you started to drive as fast as you could, anxiety and nerves eating away at you.
       Pulling into the hospital, you quickly dashed inside,  taking your phone out and called Hank. Hearing his ringtone down the hall, you speed walk, trying not to knock people out of your way in your search for him. There he stood, puffy red eyes as a few scratches and a couple of bruises littered his skin, it broke your heart, and you had a feeling he shouldn't have been down here waiting on you.
       Blue eyes met your (e/c) ones, and you both went to each other. "I know it's really late, but I didn't know who else to call.." He sounded so broken, his once happy eyes were now filled to the brim with worry. " Oh my gosh,Hank. I don't care about what time it is.. Are you alright.. You.. You have bruises. What happened? " That was a mistake. He told how there was truck that lost control making them spin on the ice, how they crashed. He told me how his nerves were worse because of the doctor being an android, who would be the one operating on Cole. You tried so hard to comfort him, and you knew it would be a while before he would even think of calming down.
       Hours past, and you stayed right next to Hank, holding on to one of his hands, while your other gently went over his back, in a soothing manner. He would stayed silent for the rest of the time, until a doctor came out calling his name. He quickly stood up, you right behind as he came closer to the doctor. The hit both of you like a ton of bricks...
      "He didn't make it through the surgery." The stinging feeling from your tears becoming too much. Nothing could have soften the blow, you knew that. Hank stayed still, unbelief clearly written all over his face. Then he started to sob, before anger filled inside of him. "You.. You couldn't save my son. "  He backed up and ran his hand through his hair. His curses got louder and louder, eyes burning into you from the parents in the room. You went up to him, and he grabs you, making you yelp in surprise. He held on to you tightly, you honestly at a loss for words." Why....." The stares felt softer on both of you, out of concern for the man who has just lost someone so important . You didn't know what to do but hold on to him.. What could you have even done in this situation.

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