Chapter 4: Good advice and Common Sense

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  • Dedicated to Kristine Easterling

When Italy and I got home, we sat down on the couch. Italy seemed a little down, and that got me worried. "Hey, Italia, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he moped as he turned away from me. I knew something wasn't right, so I continued to pester him.

"Italy, come on, something is really bothering you. Please tell me what it is," I pleaded. He turned back around to face me and sighed.

"Germany professed his love for me, and I told him no because I like someone else. I mean, we're good friends, but I'm not gay. I really like this girl I know. She has brown hair, and I've known her since I lived with Mr. Austria. She's really nice and really pretty," he said smiling.

"Italy, that's good. Sure, things are a little awkward with Germany, but that's okay. Awkward situations won't kill you. Now, your real problem is finding the courage to tell the girl that you like her," I said. He looked at me with a confused face.

"How do I do that?" he asked me.

"Well, if I liked this girl, I would say something sweet to her. I would take her somewhere that was special to us, and then I would confess my love for her. Flowers and other gifts won't matter to this woman much, but something dear to her heart would be a nice touch," I finished. I had described everything that Elizavita would want from him. It was obvious that he liked her. Who else would he liked that he had met at Mr. Austria's house?

"Thank you so much, Viola!" he exclaimed, "I will take your advice and profess my love to her!" I smiled as I watched him skip down the hallway. I shook my head. He does know Hungary and Austria.... I thought. I sighed. I'll just let him figure it out on his own. I walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. "Today has been so long.... I wish I could erase everything in my life that has to do with Germany. He's a nice guy, but I should have seen that he had so many walls that are never going to come down. I would've had to climb over all of them and then fall off so much that there wouldn't be much of me left when I finally got to the real him," I said to myself, "It's for the best." I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pale blue nightgown. I went to the bathroom adjacent to my bedroom and changed into my pajamas. Walking back into my room, I climbed into my bed. Laying down, I began to stare at my ceiling. I don't remember closing my eyes and going to sleep until the alarm went off at 6: 30.

"Time to start another day" I said stretching. I got up and changed into a white Miho Fukuhara for Let It Out (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) T- shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, and my customized, white converse. They had a collage for Arthur on one and a collage for Alfred on the other. They were really cute. Alfred and Arthur said that they were cute until I put my feet together. They were hugging with my feet placed side by side. Both of them blushed and turned away from each other. I'll let you in on a secret though. They both really like each other. You can kind of tell, but neither of them will say it to each other.

Anyways, the reason I'm wearing these shoes instead of my galaxy converse is because Alfred and Arthur are coming over today. I always wear these when they come over because it embarrasses them. They're cute when they try and hide their feelings. So, I started breakfast for Italy. I made both of us a cornetto (a croissant filled with jam) and a cappuccino. On his cappuccino I added a dollop of cream. He liked his that way. I just added a spoonful- and- a- half of sugar. I then walked over to Italy's apartment to find it empty. I looked in the service area and the garden, but he wasn't there. I walked through my entire house and into my bedroom. Looking at the side of my bed, there was Italy, and he was reading through my diary.

"Italy, what are you doing?" I exclaimed. He looked up.

"I'm so sorry, Viola. I just wanted to do something special for you, so I was looking through this book for something that meant a lot to you," he said.

"Italy, all you had to do was ask. I would have told you," I said scooping him up into a hug. "What really means the most to me, Italy, is my friends, but if you want to do something nice for me...." I thought back to when I was a little girl of about 12. That was before I inherited my parent's money and bought this house. They died in a fire one day while I was visiting with Alfred. "My father used to take me out to the park and let me pick flowers there. I would bring them to him, and then we would pick out ribbon and a vase to put them in. He would then take me on a picnic on a hill overlooking our house. We used to sit on the purple and white, plaid blanket and eat sandwiches. He would always pack us grape juice and a surprise cookie," I said. I looked down at Italy. "You don't have to do that for me Italy. Seeing you everyday and being able to do things for you is enough to make me happy. You're my best friend," I finished. I smiled and ruffled his hair like I always did. "Now, why don't we go eat breakfast?" I asked.

"Yay, breakfast!" I taly exclaimed.

"By the way, Arthur and Alfred are coming to visit today," I said as we sat down. I drank my coffee while Italy ate. I never ate my cornetto. Italy was always really hungry in the morning, so I gave him mine. I didn't really mind at all. Italy really doesn't have to do anything special for me, I thought. Little did I know that he was going to go ahead and find a way to do something for me.

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