Chapter 13: Nobody Wants The Window Seat

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  • Dedicated to Matthew Jones

I hurriedly climbed into the clothes I had picked out the night before. I wore a pair of white, skinny jeans and a T- shirt with a galaxy print on it. Of course, with that shirt, I wore my galaxy converse. I figured it would be the hectic, so I had mostly everything ready. I rushed out of my room and knocked on Arthur's room. "Are you awake?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm almost ready to go," he said. I sighed. Thank goodness someone woke up on time, I thought. I didn't even knock on Alfred's room because I knew he wouldn't be awake. I walked over to his bed and gave him a gentle shake.

"Alfred, wake up," I said. He didn't stir. I knew what I had to do. He hadn't changed a bit since we were children. I tickled his sides, giving me the reaction I wanted. He fell out of his bed- on top of me, sadly, because he was heavy- and started half laughing and half screaming.

He looked down at me. "Sorry, Viola. Thanks for waking me up, though," he said getting up and extending a hand. I took it and stood.

We don't have a lot of time, so gather your things and get dressed. We'll have to get breakfast on the plane. Other than that, we'll only get to eat some toast. Toast or one of Arthur's mysterious crumpets," I said with a smile. I left to go wake up Italy. Walking outside, I went into his apartment. Going up the stairs, I found his room. I walked over to his bed at the far end of the room and gently shook him. He just rolled over and mumbled in his sleep. I sighed. "Pasta!" I shouted. He sat upright and climbed out of bed. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Sorry, but there's no pasta. We're running a little late, so get dressed. We only have time for toast here, so we'll get something to eat on the plane," I said leaving him to get dressed. I walked back to my house and put four pieces of toast in the toaster. I pulled out my nutella that I kept for Alfred. He didn't know about it yet.

I put nutella on his toast and butter on the rest of ours. I gave Arthur and Italy theirs before Alfred came down. I had the plate with his on it hidden. "What? I don't get breakfast?" he asked shocked.

"Nope," I said smiling. I handed him the plate with the nutella toast.

"Dude! Nutella! This is awesome!" he said giving me a half hug half pat on the back. When we finished eating, we loaded all of our suitcases/ bags in to the car and drove to the airport. When we made it on to the plane and got to our seats. "I don't want the window seat! What if we crash!" Alfred argued. He obviously watched too many plane crash movies.

"I get airsick," Arthur said.

"I'm afraid of heights," I said. Italy just didn't want to sit there. I pulled the blind down and drew a picture of pasta on it. He immediately sat there to be with his pasta. I laughed and sat next to him and Arthur. Alfred sat on the outside.


When we got off the plane and got our bags, we went outside and hailed a taxi. I gave him Matthew's address and we sat there for about half an hour. When we arrived, we got out our stuff and knocked on his door. Matthew answered, which relieved me. I came here for Matty, not Francis. "Viola!" he exclaimed as he hugged me. He greeted everyone else like this and invited us inside. Laying on the couch was Francis. I scowled.

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