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Gemma POV

He's kissing me! He's absolutely kissing me on my lips! I wanted to push him away and run, but my mind is telling me this is right. God, his lips are so soft. Was this is confession for me? Should I accept this? If I do, then how am I going to tell everyone else? My kids? All these thoughts and emotions flooded my head. He pulled away from me. I missed his warmth already.

"W-Why?" I asked.

"Because, even though we gotten on the wrong foot. I felt this connection when I saw you. I didn't know how to explain it in words, so I used action." he said.

I processed all this. He basically is saying love at first sight is real? Even if it is, I have MUCH bigger problems I'm dealing with. I can't just let a man, let alone a Nazi, enter my life and call it happy ever after.

"I-I don't think w-we should." I said facing the solid concrete.

"Why not?" Nathan asked rather impatient.

"What do you mean why? We barely know each other! I can't just let you in my life on a bad note! Besides, why would anybody love someone so disgusting and pitiful like me?" I ask beginning to cry.

"Your the opposite of disgusting. I think your pretty beautiful." he said stroking my hair. My face turned very red, like I was sunburned.

"T-That's sweet and all, but how am I going to tell everyone at home? My kids will definitely recognize you as the man who hurt their mom." I said.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. I love you Gemma. I know it will take you ages to forgive me for what I did, but will you accept me into your life, as your official boyfriend?" Nathan asked.

Should I say yes? No? Maybe?

"I-I don't know, yes?" I hesitated. He look at me with confusion.

"You say you don't know, and now you say yes? Which is it?" Nathan asked.

Before I could say anything we heard footsteps. This time of night? Nathan quickly guided me into a dark. Usually Nazi's don't be out here, I guess I was wrong. We hid behind a pretty large dumpster. I was very scared they was going to find us. I was whimpering, but Nathan kept me quiet.

"Hush or they'll hear you!" Nathan whispered yelled. I just nodded. But from what we heard it sounded like a women? We slowly peaked to see, Ashley!? Nathan was shocked too.

"Ashley!?" I yelled. She turned our way looking surprised.

"Lt. Asshat!?" Nathan yelled.

"U-Umm, Hi!" Ashley waved.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Nathan asked.

"Like you, were in a official relationship, and were happy together." Weber said kissing Ashley.

"W-Were not dating! Are we?" I asked.

"I don't know. What do you prefer?" Nathan asked me. I looked at Ashley who nodded her head.

"Y-Yes." I smiled kissing him.

"We thought you were Nazi's. So what's new?" Nathan asked.

"A new shipment of Jews are coming in tomorrow, so we will be busy for the most part. Rumors have been spreading about the Jews. The 'final solution' of the Jews. They still have not decided yet, but I'm highly positive they'll deport every last Jew to extermination camps and kill everybody." Weber said. Everybody felt silent. Nathan suddenly hit the wall with his fist.

"Oh my god, Nathan! Are you okay?" I ask. He punched the wall hard.

"No! How could they do such a thing!? Those sick bastards! That's it!" Nathan screamed. I was shocked by his outburst. Apparently Weber was too. I guess he never seen him this mad before.

"T-That's it what?" I asked.

"Were getting you out of here, whether I survive or die."

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