Wheeljack becomes a carrier

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"Hey Ratch? You in here?" Wheeljack asked, poking his head through the doorway and glancing around the Medbay.

"Yeah, over here. I'm kinda busy though." Ratchet replied, looking over his shoulder before going back to cleaning his medical equipment.

Wheeljack walked over to Ratchet, fiddling his fingers nervously. "I have a question.."

Ratchet stopped what he was doing and faced Wheeljack. He noticed the nervous hint to his voice and decided that this was serious. "What is it, sweetspark?" He said cooly, leaning on the table.

"Well um... it's just.... I think there's something inside my chest.." Wheeljack began, glancing off to side. "I don't know what it is and I can't see it, can you help me?"

Ratchet stood in shock for a moment, different situations whirling through his head. This could be a bad thing, a good thing, or maybe even a really bad thing. "Hop on up here, I'll check it out." He motioned to the nearby medberth, walking around the other side.

Wheeljack hopped up onto the medbeth, laying down on his back and trying to calm down.

"Now just hold still, I'm going to open up your chest panel and have a look around. I've done this hundreds of times so this should be easy.." Ratchet mumbled, clicking two release mechanisms to lift up Wheeljack's chest cover and reveal his inner circuitry.

He looked around for any obstruction, making sure nothing was wrong. He was about to close it when his optics spotted something small glowing near the spark chamber. He leaned in closer, examining with interest.

"What is that..." Ratchet whispered, scanning over it to make sure it wasn't some sort of growth that wasn't supposed to be there.

"What is what? What's wrong?!" Wheeljack asked, beginning to panic.

"Wheeljack calm down, you're fine.." Ratchet said sternly, studying the scanner's readings.

When his optics read the object identification, his spark felt like it jumped into his throat. He stood still, completely frozen in shock.

"For primus sake just tell me what's wrong! Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Is there something wrong with me?!" Wheeljack demanded, trying to see Ratchet around his open chest panel.

"N-no... nothings wrong.. I-it's just..." Ratchet stuttered, not believing what he was reading.

"Tell me!" Wheeljack growled, trying to sit up.

"You're a c-carrier.." Ratchet struggled to say that without tearing up.

Now it was Wheeljack's turn to freeze. He'd heard that term before somewhere... It was the term for a cybertronian who was carrying a sparkling, basically a mother. But mechs couldn't bear sparklings, could they?

"W-What?! How is t-that possible?"

"It must've formed when we bonded our sparks! That's the only reasonable explanation!" Ratchet exclaimed.

"So that means.... we're going to be parents?!" Wheeljack said excitedly.

"I guess so.." Ratchet said, a small smile appearing on his face.

Wheeljack closed his chest panel and leapt off the berth, hugging Ratchet tightly. "Oh this is the best thing I could ever ask for! I've always wanted a sparkling of our own!" He sniffed, beginning to tear up.

"I feel you. I just can't believe this is happening.." Ratchet mumbled, holding Wheeljack closer to him and sighing.

"So what happens now?"

"Well, you'll have to stay with me so I can monitor the sparkling's growth and development. Once the sparkling gets too large for you to support, I'll have to remove it and place it in a special container so it can finish developing its protoform. It's going to take a few weeks, even months at most." Ratchet explained.

"Wonderful, I cant wait." Wheeljack smiled, removing his plate and pulling Ratchet into a passionate kiss.

Ratchet blushed and kissed back, hugging him as well. Once they were finished, Wheeljack put his plate back on and blushed wildly, looking away.

"You're going to make a wonderful carrier, I just know it." Ratchet smiled, placing his hands on Wheeljack's shoulders.

Wheeljack giggled and wrapped his arms around Ratchet's neck. "And you're going to make a wonderful sire." He hugged him again, nestling his head on his shoulder.

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