Gone missing

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-A few weeks later-

Throughout the weeks that passed, Athena steadily grew larger and stronger. Now she was a toddler (in human terms).

She constantly wanted to explore and learn more, which almost always led her to Wheeljack's workshop. She loved spending time with Wheeljack, even though Ratchet didn't approve of him teaching her how to build a bomb. She still loved them both equally, spending as much time with them as possible.

One morning, Wheeljack and Athena had went outside of the base to test one of the bombs they made together. The strange thing was the fact that they didn't come back afterwards.

Ratchet was starting to get very worried, pacing back and forth. A thousand things were flying through his mind and he was starting to get a processor ache.

Suddenly, he got a call from Optimus on his comm link. He answered it quickly, about ready to lose it.

-Ratchet? I have some bad news...- Optimus's voice was very serious, not a good sign at all.

-What is it?! Do you know anything about where Wheeljack and Athena went?!- Ratchet replied, on the verge of tears.

-That's the bad news. I'm afraid that the Decepticons have abducted them. Our scanners picked up several Decepticons surrounding their signals. Then they disappeared...-

Ratchet froze, coolant pooling in his optics. He couldn't believe it. -I.... I can't believe this..-

-Ratchet, just know that we are trying everything to find them. It will just take time.- Optimus said softly, trying to soothe him.

-Time is something they don't have! What if the Decepticons hurt them?! Or even worse!-

-I understand completely. I know how it feels when a loved one is missing. I won't let your family get ripped apart like mine was...- Optimus sighed, ending the call.

Ratchet just stood there in shock. He was beyond worried. His lover and their sparkling were out there somewhere and he couldn't do a thing about it.

-Wheeljack's POV-

Wheeljack held the shivering bundle in his arms close to his chest as he was dragged along the floor. A thin stream of energon trickled from his mouth where he got punched in the jaw.

While they were testing the bomb, the Decepticons found them and attacked. They took them to their base to face Megatron so he could figure out what to do with them.

The doors slid open in front of him, revealing Megatron sitting on his throne. Megatron beckoned the two Decepticons carrying him to pull him up to his throne so he could see him.

"So... if it isn't the magnificent inventor?" Megatron snarled, tapping a finger on his throne. He was suddenly interested in whatever Wheeljack was holding and he frowned. "What is that you're holding?"

Wheeljack looked up at him and spat out energon from his cracked plate. He silently pleaded them not to take Athena away from him, but he had no choice.

One of the Decepticons ripped his arm away, revealing Athena curled up against Wheeljack's chest.

"A sparkling? How interesting... I suppose it's yours, right?" Megatron chuckled.

Wheeljack coughed, holding Athena tighter. "Y-yes..."

"You wouldn't mind if I took her, would you?"

Wheeljack's optics widened. "No.. you wouldn't dare take her away from me!" He growled.

"Too bad, bring her to me." Megatron commanded.

"No!" Wheeljack growled, trying frantically to keep them from taking her.

She was ripped out of his arms and brought up to Megatron, who inspected her with disgust. Athena started crying loudly, wanting to be back with her carrier.

Wheeljack stared hopelessly as Megatron held her in his hands. He tried pulling against his captors, but they just kicked him in the back.

"How did you come upon this sparkling? You didn't just randomly happen to find her, now did you?" Megatron sneered, rubbing Athena's forehead with his finger. "There must be a femme amongst you, am I right?"

"No.." Wheeljack growled in anger. "I carried her."

Megatron raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You carried her? But it's impossible for a mech to carry a sparkling..."

"And yet here I am." Wheeljack huffed, staring intently at Athena.

"Don't back talk me! I can crush your petty sparkling with my bare hands!" Megatron snarled, tightening his grip around Athena and making her cry even more.

"No, stop! Don't hurt her! She doesn't deserve it!" Wheeljack pleaded for him to stop.

Megatron stopped, a sinister grin on his face. "I won't harm her. But as long as you are in my possession, she stays with me."

Anger boiled up inside of Wheeljack. "No, you can't keep her here! It's not right to keep a sparkling from its carrier!"

"I don't follow the rules, pathetic Autobot. Take him away."

"No! You can't do this to her!" Wheeljack yelled at him as he was dragged away to his cell, the doors slamming behind him.

"Yes I can..." Megatron chuckled, looking at Athena with interest. She was still crying, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her throat was raw from her cries and they came out raspy until she couldn't cry anymore. "Hush now, little one. You are safe for now. But I have other plans for your carrier..." Megatron laughed, stroking his fingers across her helm.

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