The tedious life of a caretaker

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"Okay, since you need to rest especially because of your injury, I'll take Athena tonight." Ratchet said, holding Athena in his arms as she nibbled on a toy that they found.

Wheeljack sighed, rubbing his optics. "Alright, goodnight sunshine." He smiled, kissing Ratchet on the cheek before walking to his workshop.

Once Wheeljack was gone, Ratchet walked back into his berthroom where he had a makeshift playpen set up. There was a pile of blankets for Athena to recharge in and a few scattered toys across the floor.

Ratchet lowered Athena into the playpen and sat down on the edge of his berth. "Alright Athena, it's time for recharge. I'm very tired from working today." He yawned, stretching his arms.

Athena stared at him curiously until she yawned as well. She curled up on the blankets, snuggling up against them and closing her optics.

Ratchet sighed in relief, laying down on his berth and closing his optics. He eventually slipped into a peaceful recharge.

That didn't last very long though.

-3 am-

Ratchet was startled awake by the sound of crying. He sat up, rubbing his optics drowsily. "What is it, sweetspark?" He yawned, glancing down at the playpen.

Athena was holding herself up at the edge of the playpen, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Watchet!" She cried, reaching out to him.

"Are you hungry?" Ratchet mumbled, lifting her up and cradling her in his arms.

Athena continued to cry, trying to suck on Ratchet's finger.

"I guess so. Come on, I'll get you some energon." Ratchet mumbled, standing up and yawning again.

He slowly trudged out of his berthroom into the Medbay, opening the door that lead to the hallway and closing it behind him.

He walked through the dimly lit hallways, grateful that it was still too early for anyone to be awake. He got to the break room and held Athena in one arm as he reached up with his other one to get her bottle.

He filled her bottle up with low grade energon, twisting the lid on tight. He about had a spark attack when he turned face to face with Ironhide.

"Oh! Primus, Ironhide, you almost gave me a spark attack..." Ratchet grumbled, yawning again.

"Hehe, sorry Ratch. Why are you up so early?" Ironhide asked, chuckling dryly.

"Athena needed to eat." Ratchet replied, holding the bottle as Athena sucked energon from it eagerly.

"Oh, that sucks. Well, I'll leave you to it." Ironhide said, rubbing the back of his helm.

Athena paused while drinking, looking at Ironhide curiously. "Hide!" She chirped, reaching for him.

Ironhide raised an eyebrow in amusement, smiling. "Aw, she's a cute one isn't she?"

"Yup, now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to my room so I can at least get a decent recharge."

"Alright alright, I'll let ya go. Bye bye Athena!" Ironhide smiled, waving to Athena as Ratchet walked out of the break room.

Athena waved back to him excitedly, putting the bottle in her mouth again.

Ratchet returned to his berthroom, sitting down on his berth while Athena finished her bottle. She yawned as energon dripped down her chin, blinking her optics sleepily.

"You're such a mess." Ratchet sighed, wiping her mouth clean. Soon he found his optics drooping lower and lower until he finally went into recharge, snoring loudly.

Athena curled up against his side and clung to his arm, smiling as she went into recharge as well.

-7 am-

"Mornin' sweetspark! I brought you some energon!" Wheeljack said cheerfully, carrying two glasses of energon. He poked his head into the Medbay, but it was still dark. "Hmm, maybe he's still asleep?" He wondered, walking towards his berthroom.

He peeked in the window, spotting him in deep recharge on his berth. He could barely make out Athena's tiny form cuddled up against his, clinging for dear life to his arm. He smiled, quietly opening the door and stepping inside. "Guess she woke you up super early, huh?" He sighed, seeing the empty bottle on his nightstand.

He decided to set down the glasses and get on the berth beside them and curl around Athena, who was in the middle of the them. He yawned, closing his optics and falling into recharge.

Athena made a cute noise in her sleep, snuggling up between both of them. She took hold of both of their arms and pulled them close to her for comfort, sighing in relief.

And that's how Optimus found them when he entered the Medbay for his morning check up. He smiled, letting them recharge in peace.

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