Chapter one Ezra betrayed

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Ezra and the ghost crew were on a mission to steal supplies from a warehouse from the empire.Ezra and Sabine were tasked to take 2 sides of the warehouse to set explosives to cover their retreat while Zeb and Kanan take what they need for the rebellion. While Ezra was place his charges he hear Sabine and Kanan talking about supplies and his com-link started to get static,all of a sudden kanan says blow the charges specter 6 and i say are you sure specter 1 as more static arrives and i say in my head ok Kanan i don't know why you want them blown now.i follow instructions and blow up the warehouse and i get back to the crew and kanan said time to go and we leave and get back to the ghost,when we got back kanan said ezra why did you blow the charges with and angry look on his face i told him i heard you say on my com-link to blow it. Zeb looked at me with an angry face and said you stupid lothrat we needed those supplies don't think your sleeping in my room tonight that made me sad and kanan went to talk to hera and said to me you are undisciplined and you dont listen i'm sorry i don't think i can keep you as my apprentice and i felt sad and i look at sabine who was mad with me aswell and said i don't ever want to see you again Ezra!. What sabine said hit me hard as we got back to base  commander Sato came to me and yelled at me and said you idiot we needed the supplies i said to him it wasn't my fault my comlink was having issues and sato said i dont care you are a constant failure to this rebellion and he calls a vote to everyone at the base all in favor of kicking Ezra Bridger out of the rebellion raise their hands and everyone rose their hands and sato said Ezra you are no longer welcome into this rebellion you have 30 minutes to get your equipment and leave now get out of my sight!!. I felt sadness through me i could feel everyone's anger toward me i said very well good luck having one less Jedi to help you i go to the ghost and collect my things and go to my ship the star bird and leave the rebellions base for the last time.

So that it my first story let me what you think and any suggestions will be very helpful and may the force be with you always

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