Chapter 7

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"And... cut!"

"Water break!"

I sigh in relief as I quickly got off my position I was in before.

Some actors of the extra characters laughed or giggled at their seriousness, lifting the tension in the room. Some were relieved and some started to chat with his or her friends. I was sweating my ass off during the recording so Craig or Evan usually wipes my face with a towel, but Criag usually does it, probably out of pity.

Criag gestured to come with him, so I walked over. As I arrived in my destination, I stood taller by the smaller male as he was sitting down a chair near the camera. He didn't looked fazed by me, but by the look in his face, he was avoiding eye contact and seemed to not know what to say next. I decided to save him.

"Are you going to do it or not?", I asked nicely to the smaller male.

He slightly jumped, surprised by my arrival, but nodded as he pointed to the ground. I understood what he meant, I knelt and looked at the ground.

I checked out his shoes, they were pretty normal shoes, bought in a pretty normal store, not that expensive or anything. But my mind wondered into another place, a place that I deeply feared

I knew I was thinking about him, but I couldn't bring myself to stop, it was relaxing, and the same time, greatly disgusting.

'Tyler, you fucking cunt. HE IS YOUR FRIEND, OR AN ACQUAINTANCE!!! YOU are NOT gay. STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!!!', I mentally scolded as I forced myself to think about his shoes and find out where they came from.

I felt the towel as it leaves my head, I felt a bit too sad to see them leave, although, it is for the best. I quietly stood up and thanked him, he quietly smiled and thanked him in response. I smiled back walked away. I looked back at him to find him staring at me, I waved and continued walking. 

I didn't look back. It was my punishment for doing such a thing.


I quietly drank my bottle of water in the corner, I put up my phone. I pulled up my earphones, plugged it in my phone, quickly put my earphones on my ears, which they belonged, and the music started to play.

I put my phone onto my pocket, listening to the music. My feet and the music were going to sync, making  the walking mush more interesting.

I looked around the people around me, as they walked by, I looked at my watch and found that it was ticking to the rhythm.

I hummed a tune, the same tune that I was listening to. I smiled and walked to my friends, Evan noticed me and waved at me. I waved back, jogging to their group. David and Tyler were having their own little conversation.

 I looked at David to be also seen listening to music with earphones on, like he usually does. I wondered what kind of music he was listening to, and by the look on his hands, it was swaying to the beat, which indicates that he was enjoying it. Tyler looked as normal like he should be, but something tells me that he did something wrong, but I ingored that feeling anyway.

I turned at Evan, he had a lopsided grin that made people fall in love with, he looked like he just made a joke and made everyone successfully laugh. Then he looked at my earphones and the grin left his face, but a curious expression replaced it.

"What'cha listening to?", he asked, slight leaning to the left.

"A thing", I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Can I listen?", he asked, waiting for my response.

"Sure!", I answered, giving him an ear bud.

I quickly put it on his ear and was quiet, he were listening to the beat the rhythm of the music, as it makes art for my ear to hear. Evan was quietly tapping his foot onto the ground, I did the same. After a minute, he have my ear bud back and smiled. 

"Sometimes I wonder how music producers make this stuff, it's just... fantastic...", he wondered aloud, making me hear his thoughts.

"Evan... it's this magical thing called talent", I answered, grinning at my own response.

"Ahh, yes... talent...", he sarcastically mimicked a voice, "A thing that everyone has, but some will not admit to have".

We both grinned like idiots about our jokes, we both tried not to laugh, and actually succeeded. Tyler mumbled something and rolled his eyes, David expression seemed to disagree and smiled at our laughter, trying not to laugh too. Eventually, we all laughed, all except for Tyler, who tried to keep a serious face.

"Join the dark side, Tylerrrrrrr", I tried to persuade him, failing when Tyler shook his head, trying to ignore us.

"We have Wifi hereeeeeeee", David tried pulling his friend with the others, which sadly, failed as Tyler prevented it.

Evan tried to grab Tyler, which resulted in Tyler doing the opposite, Evan seemed to be grinning, but I knew he was having a bad time, and was exhausted. Tyler, who still had the serious expression in his face, seemed to be annoyed by the Evan's pulling, which made him sweat a bit. This lasted a few minutes before Tyler giving up and faced to us, sighing.

"If I joined the dark side, will you guys stop annoying the fuck out of me?", he asked, raising his eyebrow in the process.

"Yes", we all responded in unison, which made Tyler crack a smile in his face.

"Alright then", Tyler shrugged, going to our side and stood there.

"Sooo... what time is it?", David asked, turning to Evan, who had the watch, which made Evan lift his b and to see it.

"11:01 AM", Evan responded, looking at his watch.

"It's almost Lunch!!! We will be free from his prison!!!", I raised my arms and said it in an sarcastic way, which made my friends giggle.

"Go back to your positions, water break is over!!", Craig confidently commanded.

The four of us nodded and walked to the places we're supposed to be in.

School started weeks ago

And I hate itttttt

Stress is building up inside me

I'm secretly panicking everydayyyyyy

*cough* *cough* School is cool *cough* not *cough* *cough*

The song is called "Ticking" by Chill Trap

Slow updatessss


Word Count : 1087

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