The Definderman

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"Many towns and small cities have local legends that they spread around freely. Like Slenderman, the Boogeyman, the Werewolf or any other monster. But the one never spoken of, until today, is the Definderman. Like Slenderman, Definderman is faceless and abnormally stretched out. But Definderman wears a white suit and matching pants and glossy black shoes. He is said to have a fondness for lurking in white birch forests. If you see him standing by the road you must never acknowledged his presence or he should fallow you, but this is only hear say. That's why I James Michele and my assistant Zack Ragan will go out in White's Forest in search of this creature to prove it is fake." ,boasted the young man sitting in the brown leather chair across from a blonde haired woman as the audience applauded.

The young man was in his mid twenties, he was clean shaven, his hair was black and short. He wore a black leather jacket over a red shirt and faded blue jeans and brown boots. His blue eyes glimmered with the energy in the room. The blonde woman was in her thirties but she could have passed for late twenties. She wore a single piece red dress that sparkled at the right angle, with white high heel shoes.

She clasped her hands, "James what will you do if you discover this..."

"Definderman. Rose," ,James crossed his leg and turned towards her, "With this will be a discovery of a lifetime," ,James picked up a pile of papers and sat them on the coffee table in front of them, "This is our evidence, photos, testimonies anything about Definderman. He has been around for thousands of years and around the world if the evidence is true. Just think if we could capture it and study it we could..."

"You're gonna die! You'll kill us all!" ,yelled an old man in the audience.

Rose chuckled, "Security please. Thank you, James I wish we had more time but our block is done," James and Rose shook hands, "But we love that you came down and all of us at KCJL News wish you the best of luck on your search."

"Thank you Rose, watch Creature Hunt at 11:00 pm est on Friday." ,said James with a smile.

The audience roared in applause as the lights dimmed down an went dark.

The back door of the studio slammed, "Damn fuckers, 10 minutes. I'll give you 10 minutes of my foot up your ass!" ,yelled James as he kicked and dented the metal door.

"Didn't go well?" ,said a tall bald medium built man on denim cloths leaning against a studio white van.

James flayed this has and flicked his fingers at the man's face, "Oh it was perfect. Just perfect." , James walked to the drivers side and pulled a pink ticket from under the wiper blade,"What, whats this?"

"Well a nice lil lady came by and told me to move the van, I told I hadsnt a key for it, so ticket." ,the man said as he leaned on the van looking at James.

"Zack,", James rubbed his face, "You are the dumbest, tallest, stupid motherfucker ever!" ,yelled James ferociously as he punched and kicked the van. James slapped the side view mirror sending it to the concrete.

Zack took in a breath to say something but James cut him off.

"Not! One word!"


"Not one!"

The two stood silent for a couple of seconds.


James took in a relaxing breath, "Yes." ,James said as calmly as he could.

"Unlock the door." ,replied Zack.

A few miles down Zack and James sat in the van listening to Rush Limbal. The two were nodding agreeing with every word that was spoken. In the break Zack looked to James, Are you still mad at me J?"

James sat quietly for a few moments,"No Zack, I'm not mad at you."

"That's good." ,Zack said with a grin.

"Why's...? Holy shit! Zack you know my windows don't go down!" ,yelled James as he fanned his hand towards Zack.

"I know.", said Zack happily with a smile.

The next moment James was pulled over, door wide open as he vomited supporting himself against the van.

"Zack! What the hell have you been eating!" ,yelled James as he laughed and got back in the van.

"Beans, hotdogs, chilies, nachos with beans and jalapeños..."

James looked at Zack, "What!?"

"Yup the all important BDP,"

James looked at Zack in confusion, "Beans, dogs and peppers, yup."

"Holy fuck," ,said James as he laughed and shut his door, "Next time you warn me or I'm leaving you to walk."


The van got down the road a little ways and suddenly the brake lights came on and the passenger door flew open and Zack was pushed out and the van squealed away.

The DefindermanWhere stories live. Discover now