The Definderman

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CHAPTER 3: The School

They drove 30 miles north, 17 East and 30 more north when James came upon an old abandoned, park that had rust covered playground equipment.

"This is it."

"What's it!?" ,said Zack abruptly as he sat up in the seat. James swerved and pulled off on the shoulder.

James punched Zack, "Damn it Zack!"

"Where are we?" ,asked Zack as he rubbed his shoulder.

James put the van in park and looked to Zack. "Were on set."

An old red brick vine and moss covered one story school stood before them. An old rusted playground that rested to the right of the school. The grass looked fresh and well trimmed, the oaks were gigantic and twisted. The two gawked at the school yard, suddenly a sharp tapping from the driver's window startled the two men inside. The two screamed when the looked to see a dirt covered, red skin, short haired country boy smiling at them.

James slowly opened the door,"Damn it kid, you nearly gave us a heart attack."

"Sorry sir, but you shouldn't be out here so close to dark." ,warned the boy in his soft child voice.

James knelt down eye level with the boy, "Why not? Hmm?"

Zack shut his door and walked around and stood next to James.

"A odd man lives in the deep woods, he's mighty scary said my cousin." ,replied the boy as he squinted looking up to Zack.

James looked up at Zack too, "My friend here is tall and strong he'll fight him off if the man causes us problems."

The boy shook his head in disapproval, "Just don't bother him, look or anger him."

Just then a murder of crows rushed out of the tree and flew towards the dusk sun screaming. The sound of the boy running down the road startle big Zack.

"Maybe, we should..."

"Listen to some kid? Please, come on Z.", said James before he walked to the sliding door and began hauling out equipment and putting it on the ground.

Zack walked over as he rubbed his arm and looked down the road in the direction the boy headed.

"Zack!" ,James yelled as he was knelt down near a box, "Grab a camera and some trail cams."

Zack did as he was instructed, "Maybe we should wait till tomorrow, in the day to setup."

James stood up with a camera mounted on his right shoulder and a red light on his left.

"No no, night shots build suspense. Fear!" ,James jumped in the air towards Zack as he grabbed Zack's collar.

"I know but, I'm really gettin scared."

James friendly punched Zack, "Oh come on bud. I'll be right by your side, nothing to worry about."

Zack smiled a little, "Okay if you say so."

James laughed, "Yeah! Z, z, z, z, Z!!" , James chanted.

After a few minutes they were packed and ready for what was sure to be a long night. James flicked on his camera and set it on record, "Camera #1. Today is Friday the 13th of 2013 and it is July. With me is Zack Ragan and me the handsome and brave, James Michele. Zack bud is your camera on?"

"Yup." ,Zack replied.

"Now you will notice the cameras will not bounce. These are special gyro fixed cameras donated by Flir, thank you Flir for your sponsorship. Alright," ,James clapped his hands as jumped twice, "Alright now Zack and I both are running EVPs, EMF pods out handy night vision cameras of course and now a Spirit Box." ,James listed off as he pointed out the devices on his and Zacks vests.

"You ready Zack?",asked James as he looked to him.

"I sir." ,replied Zack seriously.

"Now we don't have permission to go in the school but we can look around. So the playground would be a good one for EVPs and REMs I think so I'll take the monkey bars. Zack, swings."

The two parted ways and began investigating. Not soon after, Zack mentioned, "Definderman." All his electronics mysteriously died.

"J! J!"

"What!" ,yelled James from across the playground.

"I just lost all power!"

James ran towards Zack and found him standing still.

"Z what..."


The sound of children playing could be heard.

"Hello." ,spoke James, "My name is James and this is Zack." ,he spoke as he placed his hand on Zack's shoulder.

A moment past and the children's laughter stopped. James and Zack looked around, James took his camera panning around to show no one else was around. Just then the power to Zack's equipment turned back on.

''My name is Emily." ,came across Zack's Spirit Box.

"Hi Emily it is so good to hear you, How old are you sweetie?"


"What are you doing here?"

No response came back through the Spirit Box. Suddenly the loud shrill from the REM pods on both of them sounded and they both nearly jumped out of their skins.

"Stop! Stop, stop." ,shouted James as he turned off his camera and Zack did the same.

"Dude you are amazing! How did you get the REMs to do that?''

"I didn't do that.'' replied Zack.

"Okay, don't tell me but that was awesome. Let's go find more ghosts.", he mocked as he went towards a pavilion. Zack and James filmed into the late hours of the night collecting more footage for their film. It was near 4:12am when James called it quits for the night and grabbed both tents. Zack and James set up camp near the old oaks towards the back of the school. Both tents flew with light from the LED lantern in each ones tent.

"Goodnight Z." ,called James.

A pause came then, "Goodnight, J." ,came from the other tent. Each of the tents went out and the schoolyard went dark except for the pale moonlight coming thru the clouds.

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