Chapter 2 - Kaiden Stone

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*Authors Note!
Hey guys, I'll try not to add many authors notes in my chapters. I just wanted to say since it's my second attempt at a first story to let me know what you think...comment and vote. Keep in mind that I am trying hard to write something for you to enjoy so be kind and constructive with the comments! Above is what I pictured my character Kaiden to look like. Enjoy!

Kaiden POV

The girl is fiesty, a little spitfire. I like that. You've got to be tough in my world. But I also would never harm an innocent woman and I would kill a bastard who did. 

She's beautiful, I must know her. 

I signal my six men towards me, "you," I point to the one of the new guys that impressed me so far, "go with Ryan." 

"Yes boss?" Ryan answers stepping towards me. Ryan is my left hand man, we've grown up together. He's 2nd in command, I trust him with my life and have been put in situations that I've had to. He's taken multiple bullets and stab wounds for me.

"Ryan, you and Kyle follow that girl in one car, but, for the love of God, trail her at a safe distance, don't run her off. She's smart, intuitive, and by the looks of it, knows what to look out for. If she senses being followed and tries to flee, you grab her. I want you to follow her for the night, report to me any stops she makes, where she's staying, anyone she talks to." 

I will watch out for this girl, I don't know what trouble she's in, but I'll get her out of it. 

"And Cole, you and the rest are with me. Let's find Anthony and figure out where our money is." Cole nods at the guys to do as they're told.

 Cole is my right hand man...the man who is in charge of carrying out all my orders and the men who do them. He's the man that watches my back, and will die protecting me if he has to. He was a top FBI agent, until they discharged him because he attacked another agent, killing him. 

In Cole's defense, the other agent was a piece of shit. He sold Cole's sister and her friends to a Mexican drug cartel, he deserved to die. To avoid a huge scandal, the FBI didn't tell anyone what happened and released Cole, discharging him. He's a big fucking dude. 6'5, straight muscle, fast, talented, good fighter, but most importantly, extremely loyal.

  "Anthony my man!" I exclaim and bring him in for a hug. 

"So what's going on with this money?" Someone had been stealing from Anthony and his diner, he's a close family friend so I offered to help him find the guy and get his money back.

After we left the diner, I got a call from Ryan. 

"Boss, we've been following the girl. She hasn't stopped anywhere or talked to anyone. Keeps her head down, looking over her shoulder a lot. She's definitely running from someone. She's staying at some dump outside of Manhattan. Place is a real shithole." 

This makes me angry, that girl deserves better...and I'll make sure she gets it. I sigh figuring out what to do. "Alright, you guys stay there for the night, make sure she's safe. Follow her if she leaves. In the morning call me and update me on what she's up to." Click.

'Who is this girl, what has happened to her? I must know...I must make her mine.' The minute I saw her, I had to have her.

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