Chapter 16-Dante's Surprise

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*Authors Note:

Mature content, viewer discretion advised.

Luna POV

Dante and I were in his private jet, along with Riccardo and Vito. Roman stayed back to take Isabella to her first pregnancy check up. I'm staring out the window, watching New York City's skyline finally come into view. I hated flying, I hated the fact that I could just pull over and get out if I wanted to. Dante and his men were so comfortable with it, they were all passed out, not getting much sleep from the night before. They had to go check on one of their clubs, that the dumbass owner had been trying to steal money from. I heard his screams from the torturing he endured in basement all night long. Was it fucked up that I kinda wanted to watch? I mean, I'm a nice person, and I love people, but when someone does me or someone I love wrong, it really brings out the mob queen in me. I guess Dante has brought out the side of me that doesn't deal with people's crap, he taught me how to protect the one's I care about, to fight, to never back down, and how to stand up for myself. I enjoyed the feeling of empowerment. I guess I was meant for this life.

Once we arrive to our NYC penthouse, the men go to work in his office, as I unpack and get settled in. I'm relaxing in a bubble bath when I'm interrupted by Dante walking into the bathroom. "So beautiful, my love," he compliments me, while sitting down next to the tub. He reaches over kissing me deeply. I moan into his mouth. "Can I ask you something," I say, stopping our kiss.

"Of course, mia regina."

"Well, you know how Roman and Isabella are pregnant?" I pause, unsure of his reaction. He nods so I continue,

"So I was thinking, I mean, I want to enjoy sometime with just you and being married first. But maybe, in a year or two, we should start trying." I'm blushing as I nervously bring up the idea of us having children.

He smiles, his eyes turning warm, "Of course my darling. Whenever you want, if it were up to me, I would've put about 3 babies in you already."

"How many do you want?"

"We will see, mio amore. I want at least 2, but we don't have to plan it. Let's just get you off of birth control when you feel ready, and see what happens."

I smile at his patience with me. He stands up, slowly removing his clothes, then sliding into the tub with me. We begin making out hard, desperately wanting each other. We give into our desires, wasting the next hour away, lost in each other.

"Get ready, my love. I have that surprise for you." He orders.

We climb into the back seat of his black Mercedes Benz G Wagon, and the driver takes off. I fall asleep in the car, waking up to Dante's gentle shake of my shoulder, "baby, we are here."

"Where are we?" We are in front of an old empty warehouse in the meat-packing district. Dante just smiles, leading me inside. The place on the outside looks like a complete shithole, but once we walk through the dingy hallway, we get to a giant vault door. Dante knocks on it three times, and the peep hole opens, "password?"

"I don't need the password, I'm fucking Dante Constantino."

"Oh, oh my god, sorry sir!" The guy stammers, opening the door.

"OH. MY. GOD." I am taken back when we step inside. It is the coolest speakeasy themed club, decorating just like a 1920s speakeasy. The employees are all dressed as gangsters and flappers, there's a stage for a band to play, and private booths. Dante proudly beams at me, "this is my new NYC club...but before I open it, I wanted to get your approval."

"I LOVE IT!" I exclaim, kissing him on the cheek.

"Well good, because I made sure your name is co-signed as part owner, and I was hoping you would name it."

My jaw drops, I can't believe he is trusting me with half of this place, and naming it!

"You are the Queen now, I want you to be more involved in things. Both our legal businesses, and illegal mafia business."

I'm still in shock, all I can do is smiling and jump into his arms. "You're doing a great job, my girl. I am so proud of you. And it's time you take on more responsibilities. You have proven yourself."

I just keep kissing him, and thanking him before pulling away and looking around. I whip my head back, so I'm facing him again, "Prohibition." He arches an eyebrow, confused.

"The name of this place, Prohibition." He smiles in agreement.

"I have one more surprise for you. Now that you have trained hard, learned to fight, shoot, protect yourself and others, and you are stepping up your duties as mafia Queen, I think it's time to show you this." He hands me his phone, I smile at his background of us kissing at our wedding, before unlocking it. It opens to a map, with a pinned dropped to a location. I look at him, completely confused.

He smirks a dark grin, "time to complete your first torture."

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