Chapter 18- Knife, Please *Extremely Mature Chapter!

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*Warning: violence

Luna POV

Riccardo and Vito finish tying Ryder's men, Logan and Chris, to chairs in one of Dante's dark torture rooms. The two men are terrified, and it brings a smile to my face. Dante grabs me, kissing me hard, "I'll be right here behind you, my queen." With a nod of his head, I feel supported and reassured. I don't know why, but the power I am feeling right now is absolutely exhilarating.

The men are just staring, shocked at my boldness. They can tell I'm not the scared little girl anymore. I walk to them, "so, where were we.." I look at both of them in the eyes, "ahh, yes. So, I know Ryder is in town, I know where he's staying, I knew you two fucks would be there tonight...what is Ryder's plan?" They're silent, but unlike Dante's men who could literally be skinned alive, and still not break their loyalty to him, I know it's a matter of time before they rat on Ryder. I turn towards Dante, he's smiling proudly. I sigh dramatically, turning back to them, holding my hand out to my side, "Vito, knife please." He snickers, placing it in my hand. I can tell he's proud of me as well.

"So, anyone wanna talk yet?" I give them one last chance, but they shake their heads. "Well I really didn't want to get bloody tonight, but oh what the hell?" I say, stabbing my knife into one the guys, named Logan, thighs. I smile as he screams out, then looking at the two of them, raising my eyebrows, "anyone want to talk, yet?"


I rip the knife out of Logan's thigh. He yelps, blood instantly coming out of the wound. "Hey kinda reminds me of the time you did that to me," I say in a calm voice. Walking over to the other guy, Chris, I bend down leaning my hands on his knees so we are face to face. "What's Ryder's plan?" No answer. I walk away, giving Vito the knife before saying, "brass knuckles, please."

I pound my fist into Chris' face with brass knuckles. "FUCK!" He screams. "Feel like talking yet?" Once again I ask, and once again is answered by silence. I sigh, "okay, looks like I'm going to have to step my game up." I give Vito back the brass knuckles, and grabbing a 9mm pistol. I aim it right at Chris' kneecap, waiting for one of them to talk.

"Anyone have anything to say?" Once again answered by nothing.

"Okay," I shrug then pull the trigger, putting a bullet right into his kneecap. His screams are deafening, and I can feel Dante's smile of approval. Holding the gun to his other knee cap, he finally speaks up, "OKAY OKAY OKAY!!!!" I pull the gun away. He takes a deep breath, "he wanted us to grab you and bring you to him. He promised we could have some fun with you before he killed you. He said he'll be waiting for us outside of Dive Bar at 3 AM tomorrow." I knew they'd break, no one actually respects Ryder as a boss, they only care about themselves and have no sense of respect or loyalty. I hand over the gun, grabbing the knife again. I walk to Chris, "well...since you ratted out your boss, I'll make this quick." I stab him right in the clavicle, blood shooting all over myself, and he starts to bleed out. The power I feel right now is fucking incredible, I feel high on the adrenaline. I turn to Riccardo and Vito, "make sure Logan suffers..." I order, walking out of the room, smiling to myself. I'm halfway up the stairs out of the basement, when Dante grabs me and pins me against the wall, "I'm so fucking proud of you my love." He carries me upstairs and shows me just how proud he really is.

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